  • 期刊


The Employment and Transformation of the Buddhist Classics by the Tu Ân Hieu Nghia of Vietnamese Sect


本文乃研究越南的民間教派「四恩孝義」(Tu Ân Hieu Nghia, Tu An Hieu Nghia)對佛教經典運用。「四恩孝義」乃由吳利(Ngo Loi, 1831-1890)於一八七○年所創立,作為「寶山奇香」(Buu Son Kì Huong [Buu Son Ki Huong])系譜之「奇」字輩的支裔,保存漢字典籍創作與傳抄的傳統,而在這些典籍中,佛教文化是主要的核心信念,特別是觀音信仰。吳利與阮會真是「四恩孝義」漢字典籍的主要創作者,他們傳承佛教經典的創作形式,所有崇祀神明都加上「南無」二字稱署,並仿傚、改造「開經偈」的內容,以模仿佛經的形式,創作內部典籍。本文運用「社會再生產」理論,說明是否具有典籍創作能力,實為攸關教派興亡的關鍵因素,「四恩孝義」在越南之所以流傳至今,正因為具備經典創作能力。


This research explores how the Vietnamese sect "Tu Ân Hieu Nghia 四恩 孝義" employed the Buddhist classics to create scriptures. The Tu Ân Hieu Nghia was founded in 1870 by Ngo Loi (吳利, 1831-1890). As a succeeding branch and the "Ky" generation of Buu Son Ky Huong 寶山奇 香, founded by Doan Minh Huyen (段明暄, 1807-1856), so far they still preserve the tradition of creating and transcribing scriptures in Chinese characters. The core faith of their scriptures is Buddhism with a special focus on Guan Yin 觀音. Ngo Loi and Nguyen Hoi Chan 阮會真were the main authors of the scriptures in the Tu Ân Hieu Nghia. They inherited sutras forms of writing and as a result of it, Guan Yin as well as all gods was titled "Nanwu 南無". They also followed and modified the contents of "Verse for Opening a Sutra 開經偈" and imitated sutras to create the scriptures of the Tu Ân Hieu Nghia. This article based on social reproduction theory intends to illustrate the ability of creating scriptures is the key factor in determining the rise and fall of a sect. The Tu Ân Hieu Nghia is able to hand on up to now. It is all because of their ability to create scriptures.


