  • 期刊


Contextualizing the phenomenon of Big Data: A Looming Crisis of Monopolies in the Global Media & Big Tech


本研究提出目前幾個大數據分析工具化的問題,及其對新媒體與傳播文化研究領域的影響。當前全球媒體與科技產業業已壟斷市場,並不斷掩蓋「更好消費者體驗」論述背後的監控與資料濫用的事實。我們急需一個重新省視演算法侷限與提倡大數據工具公共化的傳媒服務的概念框架。並從全球媒體娛樂產業的商業應用與問題,反思新方向。因此,本文分為四個面向進行闡述與分析。首先,有關全球娛樂與媒體產業的大數據應用現況,以當代數位平臺服務壟斷現象為例,探討在市場壟斷與資料監控下,消費者與公民身分被商品化的問題。第二,將從理論的角度探索大數據技術被工具化的過程,如何導致數據至上(dataism)的問題。第三,針對目前大數據研究與應用的危機,提出批判政治經濟學的觀點,並且介紹批判的傳媒與數據研究取徑(Critical Data Studies)。最後,本文呼籲將傳媒數據研究與應用,重新納入社會與公共價值的視野。


This paper explores the risks of instrumentalizing big data and how the use of big data has influenced new media and communication studies. While a handful of large tech companies claim that their use of big data provides a better consumer experience, it has also allowed them to extend their domination and monopolize digital infrastructure all over the world. This paper analyses data appropriation as a form of exploitation and the ways that tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon generate profits by accessing large amounts of data on every one of us without hindrance. We urgently need to take specific measures to create a better conceptual framework for new communication and media services and increase the public's understanding of big data. This article addresses these issues in four ways. First, it examines the status of big data applications in the global entertainment and media industry and highlights the monopolization of contemporary digital platform services to discuss market monopoly, data monitoring, and the commercialization of consumers and citizenship. Second, it adopts a theoretical perspective to discuss the instrumentalization of big data technology and the problem of dataism. Third, in light of the current predicament of big data research and application, it puts forward a critical political-economic view and advocates for critical media and data research in the field of critical data studies. Finally, this article calls for the application and research of media data to be reintegrated into social and public values.


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