  • 期刊


Explore Factors that Affect Physicians' Attitude on Truth-telling


本研究旨在探討影響醫師對乳癌病人病情告知的因素及其因應策略。採用質性研究紮根理論,於中部某醫學中心收案,以理論性取樣配合半結構性訪談指引與11位醫師(包括主治醫師、總醫師、及住院醫師)進行深入會談。會談過程全程錄音再逐字翻譯,透過內容分析法先行編碼,再將類似編碼歸類形成類組,最後由類組群中衍生出主要概念,資料收集與資料分析同步進行。 研究結論:(1)影響醫師診斷告知的因素:包括病人、家屬、醫師本身及醫療體制等方面。(2)隨著自主權的高漲,病人在「診斷告知」的角色已從「配角」轉換至「主角」;家屬由原先的「主角」轉換爲「配角」;醫師的角色如同「導演」,如何揭露罹癌訊息,考驗著醫師的智慧。(3)醫師於診斷告知及其衍生的問題所採取的策略包含有:幽谷伴行、團隊告知、實證醫學、因應告知情境改變告知方式、知情同意、及設立「乳癌診斷告知指引」等。此外,受訪醫師亦強調如何讓病人在獲知診斷的困境中仍能保持希望的重要性與方法。建議:本研究僅侷限於「乳癌診斷」之告知,未深入探討癌症病情告知的各個層面,例如治療、及預後等告知過程,實爲本研究最大之限制。建議未來研究者可朝治療及預後層面的病情告知議題繼續深入探討。


To explore affecting factors and strategies adopted by doctors in revealing the diagnosis of breast cancer to their patients, we interviewed 11 doctors including attending doctors, subspecialty fellows, and residents in a medical center of central Taiwan. Semi-structured interview guide was used to guide the interview process. All interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. We analyzed the data by using content analysis to reveal codes, categories, and themes. In this study, data collection and data analysis happened concurrently. The results of this study show factors including patient, family members, doctor, and current medical system have effects on doctor's attitude. With a general acceptance of patient's autonomy, patients have replaced family members as the leading persons. Doctors play the role of director. Each disclosure of diagnosis poses a test to the doctor. Strategies adopted by doctors include being a companion of secluded valley, getting use of the team, being evidence-based, adjusting the disclosure interactively, getting an informed consent, and establishing a guideline. Doctors also adopt strategies to provide their patients a hope when they are in the great distress. Our study is mainly focused on diagnosis disclosure of breast cancer. Issues on discussing with patients about treatment options, or prognosis are not covered in this study. These issues need to be explored in future studies.


李雅文(2012)。探討醫師使用乳癌核心測量指標之影響因素 -以計畫行為理論為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.03162
王威蘋(2012)。愛滋病毒感染者病情告知困境受家庭關係之影響 及其因應行為〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.01601
