  • 期刊


A Study on the Relationship between Religious Identity and Hospice Efficacy of Hospice Nurses in Taiwan


研究目的:瞭解安寧護理人員之宗教信仰與臨終關懷效能之相關性。材料與方法:本研究對象為安寧護理人員,請其以受訪者直接回答所屬之宗教類別為其個人之信仰類別初分類,以及經提示受訪者台灣地區各個宗教信仰的隸屬條件後,第二次詢問受訪者的宗教信仰類別之回答為再分類,來測量安寧護理人員的宗教信仰情形,並且探討其宗教信仰與臨終關懷之間的關係。研究以195位台灣地區之安寧護理人員為對象。結果:發現於宗教信仰的再分類上,民間信仰、佛教與道教的信徒都比在初分類時有大幅的增加,基督宗教信徒沒有變化,而所謂的無宗教信仰者,於再分類時則大幅地減少,顯示有些受訪的安寧護理人員雖然認定先前認定自己沒有宗教信仰,但在提示各個宗教的界定標準之後,實際上可以被歸類為有宗教信仰者。進一步的研究結果顯示,宗教信仰的初分類並不能預測安寧護理人員的臨終關懷能力;再分類的預測力則達到顯著,且發現再分類佛教信仰者與無信仰者,其臨終關懷能力顯著地優於民間信仰者。結論:研究建議安寧護理工作者應釐清其宗教信仰的類別與內涵,並找出其中能夠有助益或者是阻礙臨終關懷效能的元素,方能提升其專業助人與關懷工作的成效。(安寧療護 2011:16:2:191-204)


Purpose: It is assumed that hospice nurses with religiosity and spirituality should have a higher level of hospice care efficacy. In Taiwan, however, the religious affiliation is not easy to be identified due to the religious plurality. Material and Method: In this study, a measurement is applied to assess both the preliminary and confirmatoryresponses of one's religious affiliation. One hundred and ninety-five hospice nurses around Taiwan gave responses to the assessments of this study. Results: It was found that, compared to the preliminary inquiry, quite a number of hospice nurses changed their religious identity in the secondary inquiry. In specific, the number of Buddhist and folk religion believers increased while the number of non-believers decreased. Subsequent analyses reveal the fact that data of the preliminary inquiry of religious identity was not able to predict one's level of hospice care efficacy. On the contrary, hospice nurses' secondary response predicted significantly their hospice care efficacy. In specific, the Buddhists and the non-believers had significantly higher level of hospice efficacy than the folk religion believers. It is discussed that hospice nurses should get a clear identification and understanding of their religious affiliations. Conclusion: It is also essential that various doctrine components that would facilitate or hinder the level of hospice care efficacy should be duly noted.(Taiwan J Hosp Palliat Care 2011:16:2:191-204)


hospice religious identity self-efficacy
