  • 期刊


Effects of the horticulture therapy on the subjective experience and influence of patients in hospice and palliative care


研究目的:安寧緩和療護病人接受園藝治療的主觀經驗與影響初探。研究方法:以質性研究法進行,研究對象為身體活動功能2-3分、能以國台語溝通、住院接受安寧緩和療護的癌症病人。由園藝治療師依研究目的設計園藝課程,帶領病人親自參與園藝活動,以一對一、每次45分鐘、每2天一次、為期一週,總計4次,課程內容包含種子盆栽、壓花卡片、迷你花園及香草派對等。於園藝課程結束後,邀請表達能力許可的病人,進行深度訪談蒐集質性資料,了解病人接受園藝課程後的主觀經驗。結果:總計訪談10位研究對象之質性資料,以內容分析法進行資料分析,歸納出五個主題(major categories),分別為:(1)離開受苦的情境;(2)提升正面情緒;(3)表達愛與感謝的媒介;(4)重新享受有意義的生活;(5)做為生命回顧的媒介。結論:園藝治療對安寧緩和療護病人之照護有正面影響,善用安寧病房的設施,規劃適合的園藝課程,有助於提供安寧緩和療護病人之心理情緒、社會支持及靈性存在範疇更優質的照護。


A pilot study was performed to explore effects of the horticulture therapy on the subjective experience and influence of the patients in hospice and palliative care. We applied data analysis and induction with qualitative research methods. All of the participants were diagnosed with cancer in terminal stage, ECOG 2-3, receiving conventional hospice and palliative care in hospital. The therapeutic horticulture program consisted of 4 sessions plant-related activities, including seed potted, embossed card, mini-garden and herbal party. A trained horticulture therapist worked out horticulture activity for participants every 2 days, each session took 45min. The participants were interviewed about the subjective experience after finishing the horticultural program. There were 10 patients in this study. Content analysis was performed and revealed the major categories: leave the suffering situation, facilitate the positive emotions, express love and gratitude, reduce the impaction of terminal ill and re-enjoy a meaningful life. This study revealed that the horticulture therapy can help patients get the benefits in psychological, existential and support domains. By arranging horticulture program regularly and utilizing the facilities available, the hospice unit can provide better care for terminally ill patients.


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