  • 期刊


Who determines death with dignity: An exploration of the close relatives in the Hospice Palliative Care Act




The Hospice Palliative Care Act (HPCA) founds the right of refusal in medicine in Taiwan. However, the medical strategy is depended on family when patient who is diagnosed terminal illness under official procedure, do not have advance directives or health care agent, and becomes unconscious or fails to express clearly own's will. Therefore, the Article 7 of HPCA, that designates the close relatives who make substituted judgement for patient, greatly impacts the right of medicine and good death of patient. In this study, we analyzed the extent of close relatives in HPCA, and applied some clinical cases as examples to highlight the negative impact. We Suggested that the current version of HPCA competes the legal principle although it cannot cover all aspects of conditions, that can be regulated by proviso if the extent and eligibility of close relatives are enrolled for change. Nevertheless, advance directives and health care agent are the best methods promising for good death. Medical team should aid close relatives to understand the terminal status, best interest and pain and suffering of futile treatment of patient in addition to merely following the laws.


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