  • 期刊


Narrative interviews with a terminally ill cancer family experiencing anticipatory grief




This article describes the experience of the hematology and oncology team in counseling the spouse of a patient with advanced cancer with anticipatory grief. When the patient's condition worsened, the medical team suggested hospice care to his wife and other family members for the first time. However, the wife along with other family members did not follow the recommendation for hospice care. In addition, the patient's wife and other family members made the decision for the patient to undergo a tracheostomy. After the tracheostomy operation, the patient became distressed and reduced interactions with others. Witnessing the patient's gradual physical deterioration and loss of social functioning, the wife started to show anticipatory grief reactions. The team observed her psychological and social needs and took the initiative to provide care and counseling. Through the narrative interviews, the team helped the wife explore the feelings and thoughts she had while experiencing anticipatory grief and guided her to accept that the patient was dying, feel the separation anxiety, reorganize the meaning of her relationship with the patient, and move on to her future life as a single parent following the loss of her spouse.


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