  • 期刊


The Nursing Experiences in Caring for a Case of Ovarian Cancer Patient Complicated with Abdominal Wall Metastasis




卵巢癌 腸皮瘻管 疼痛 哀傷


This article explores the nursing experience of a 31-year-old patient with ovarian cancer and abdominal wall metastasis. During the nursing period from November 1st to November 26th, 2021, the author used the physiological, psychological, social and spiritual problems as the aspect to collect patient's information in order to establish the main health problems as elimination pattern changes, pain and grief. In the part of elimination pattern changes, by observing the skin condition and discharge of secretions, the author made a leaflet to teach patient's mother how to replace the collecting bag and adhesive flange. To solve the problems of pain, the interests and expertise of the patient would be great points to discuss how to divert the attention of the pain, recommend the patient to use a comfortable lying position to reduce pain, and integrate medical teamwork to find out the plans for patient to relieve the pain. For patient and her family's grief issue, the author built the therapeutic relationship with patient and her families, using communication skills to encourage them speak out their feelings with family members. Providing consultants for patient and her family to help them express their emotions as well as supplying social resources and supportive groups for them at the same time. This article makes an individual care plan for this patient by nursing students under guidance, and hopes to give reference for similar cases of clinical care through this nursing experience sharing.


ovarian cancer enterocutaneous fistula pain grief


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