  • 期刊


A Hierarchical Analysis of the World-views, Purposes in Life, and Meaningfulness of Life -the Application of a Holistic/Qualitative Approach with a Woman Resides in a Mountain Area with Repeated Sever


本文主要目的是以「心理歷程分析」的觀點提出一個生命意義的階層模式分析架構,來引發對於生命意義探索研究的一個新的方向。研究以一位居住在南投山區的女性為對象,結合敘事(narrative)與整全式(holistic)的意義詢問,收集相關的文本資料,應用紮根理論的精神方法進行資料的分析,研究發現下列三個向度: 1.「生活照見與天命觀說」:以受訪者所提及的概念、信念、體會與觀點等認知性的陳述,找出受訪者的世界觀,包括以下的四個向度:(1)「我是誰?」:我來、我受、我勝出的自我觀;(2)親代中心、人的良善與高下的人際觀;(3)順天、信神、抗生死的宗教觀;(4)以「做」與「認命」來整合與解說自我的人生哲學觀。 2.「生活操煩與終極關懷」:以受訪者所提及之目標、動機、操煩與關切等具有動機性質的陳述,找出受訪者的生活目標與生命關懷,包括以下的三個向度:生活的操煩;培育孩子的終極關懷;社會性的利他回饋。 3.「生命意義的感知」:說明研究對象的生命意義感知與來源,包括:「活著」的回顧與統整體驗;「創造」的愉悅體驗;終極的盼望等三項來源。 研究最後以Frankl的意義理論作為對話的對象,進行綜合討論,結果初步地支持「階層分析」的理論性、有效性與可行性。本文期許能開啟一有意義的研究方向,從心理學與心理歷程分析的角度,增進理解人類探索生命意義的方式與過程。


The purpose of this study was to explore the concept of hierarchical analysis toward the study of meaning of life. It was based upon the conceptualization personality hierarchy model. A woman living on a remote mountain area and suffered repeatedly from severe natural disasters was invited to participate in this study. A holistic and qualitative approach was applied. It was found that: 1. There was a world-view category including Who am I?; Who are they?; Supernatural and transcendental beliefs; and philosophy of life. 2. There was a purpose/goal category including Daily hassles; Ultimate concerns; and Altruistic acts. 3. There was a meaningfulness category including Life review; Creativity and caring; and Ultimate hope. General discussion was done with a close reference to the meaning theory of Frankl. Results are supportive to the hierarchical conceptualization. The discussion provided also some preliminary support for the improvisation of the holistic approach within the qualitative research methodology.
