  • 期刊


Empathy and Altruism: Transcending the Egoistic and Altruistic Distinction in Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism




利他主義 同情共感 儒家 道家 佛家


Contemporary western ethics is basically rationalistic and principle orientated. While action is taken as self-regarding as it comes from the agent's decision to act and must be in accordance with the agent's self and very often egoistic interest. Altruism is deeply in doubt and often refuted out of hand as an illusion or a distorted egoistic action. Based upon the phenomenon of empathy between people and between human being and other sentient beings I argue that Homo sapiens in its long natural selection have expressed an inborn compassionate relation between lives and hence altruistic action is a fact. This paper presents the three important philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism to show the meaning and significance of empathy in human life. These three philosophies converge in the insight of seeing that life is in itself a root that transcends the division of me against him or her, man against other living things and is the ground of altruism. Confucianism employs the notion of ren (仁), empathy with compassion, as the building block of the unity or oneness of human being with all things in the Universe. Daoism regards human being as originally born and united with all things on Earth, and hence naturally inter-related with all other things. Buddhism sees that nothing is permanent and each one is without any abiding self and suffers in the endless cycle of ignorance. Bodhisattvas' practice of giving help is purely an altruistic act. This paper shows that life’s empathy towards the sufferings of the others is the source of morality and there comes our unconditional duty towards the helping of others. Moral act is basically an act of absolving the division of matter and mind, the elimination of subject-object dichotomy is the basic meaning and function of empathy. I argue that the compassionate empathy of human life transcends the opposition of egoistic and altruistic division and human being is born with a sense of unity with all life so that its finitude is absolved and expanded. Lastly, I make a number of critical observations on the illegitimate presuppositions of egoism and reductionism in western ethics discourses.


altruism empathy Confucianism Daoism Buddhism


