  • 期刊


The Study of the Buddhist Scripture Calligraphy in the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea




In the Three Kingdoms period of Korea, calligraphy was mostly popular with aristocrats, scholars, and monks. Out of the necessity of studying and transcribing Buddhist scriptures, these people must learn to write Chinese characters. After massive usage through the Three Kingdoms period, Later Silla (post Three Kingdoms), Goryeo, and early Joseon Dynasty, Chinese characters achieved its popularity. They were not only signifiers of meaning but also objects of aesthetic experience and display. Chinese calligraphy writing became one of the leisure activities among scholars. Naturally, Korean calligraphy was influenced by China, and consequently Korean Buddhist monks were also influenced by Chinese calligraphy. Early scholars transcribed Buddhist scriptures by hand. Later, because of the wide demand of believers, woodcut and letterpress printing calligraphy were added. Therefore, some Buddhist monks were excellent calligraphers. Goryeo Buddhist scriptures followed the regular script (kai) style of the Tang Dynasty of China. Most Buddhist scriptures before the twelfth century were in the regular script, including the woodcut or letterpress printing versions. The fad of transcribing Buddhist scriptures of Goryeo can be traced back as far as 1006, when Queen Dowager Cheonchu (mother of Mokjong) and Kim Chi-Yang made a vow to complete the Tripitaka, transcribed by calligrapher Choi Soung-Sag with gold ink, also in the style of regular script. The study of the calligraphy of Goryeon Buddhist scriptures is mainly based on stone texts, scripture transcriptions, and the tripitaka, to comprehend the context of the calligraphy of the whole dynasty. This article aims at analyzing Goryeon Buddhist calligraphy through the national treasure of Buddhist scriptures preserved by the country.


後秦‧鳩摩羅什譯,《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》,《大正藏》第 8 冊。
後秦‧鳩摩羅什譯,《妙法蓮華經》,《大正藏》第 9 冊。
東晉‧佛馱跋陀羅譯,《大方廣佛華嚴經》,《大正藏》第 10 冊。
北涼‧曇無讖譯,《大方等大集經》,《大正藏》第 13 冊。
唐‧道宣撰,《續高僧傳》卷 29,《大正藏》第 50 冊。
