  • 期刊


Tang Junyi's Interpretation of "Metaphysics of human nature and sensibility" between Confucian and Buddhism




In "Existence of Life and Spiritual Realm", Tang Junyi proposed "Metaphysics of human nature and sensibility", he said: "My theory starts with human emotion and ends with human emotion. My metaphysics is to illustrate human emotion." It fully represents his moral and religious emotion explained by his moral practice, and he used many Confucian and Buddhist thoughts. Tang Junyi advocated "Confucianism is the teaching of emotion." Confucianism and Buddhism both have the method to practice the sacred mind and metaphysics of human nature and sensibility. He also identified with Buddhism's mercy and compassion from the pain, suffering of life, and swore to save all living beings. This is the characteristic of Buddhist temperament. Tang Junyi also discussed how to contemplate inner mind and outside world from Confucianism and Buddhism's perspectives; how to practice the sacred mind, and transform our affliction into calmness and spread to outside world and others. Tang Junyi interpreted from "true affirmation" and "transcendence of confidence", and he thought we can be inspired by this. It originally comes from human nature and emotion. "Metaphysics of human nature and sensibility" is the meaning that combines philosophy, morality and religion. Furthermore, Tang Junyi thought it is not only the common ground of all philosophy, also the combination of Confucianism and Buddhism. Similar to Tang Junyi, this study compares Confucianism's human sensation, and Buddism's compassion to reach out to offer a pathway to all human beings, and discusses the similarities and differences between them. It presents the meanings and characteristics Tang Junyi discovered in "Metaphysics of human nature and sensibility."


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