  • 期刊


Characteristics Study of Athlete Techniques for Disabled Table Tennis Player-, Shih-Shan, Shu of the Ninth Class in Disabled Table Tennis of Our National Athletic Team as Example


本研究以高雄縣身心障礙桌球協會第九級桌球國手許志杉爲研究對象,於年2006、2007年間參加各項國際公開賽對歐洲主要對手之11場比賽,收集各項綜合技術得失分資料紀錄,探討各項綜合技術間與比賽得分率,使用率之相互關係。爲進軍2008年北京殘障奧運,針對許志杉選手及歐美強手之打法技戰術進行深入研究,加強針對性訓練及補強,增加奪牌機會。 本研究報告得知:一、許志杉選手與世界前十名之五名選手對陣比較,發球搶攻段與接發球搶攻段得分率達良好標準;而相持段(推攻及搓攻)則得分率不高,表現不及格。因此許志杉選手維持發球搶攻段及接發球搶攻段之技術水準,保持良好體能狀態,積極搶攻上手,以維持前五板球之優勢。二、歐洲選手推攻段相持能力普遍性相當好,相持球之處理準確率高,須儘量不打前衝性的球,並以搓短,發短球爲主,伺機而攻,避免對手用弧圈球上手,增加自己防守難度,並減少推攻段使用率。以增加搓攻段得分率,提高贏球契機。




This research adopts Shih-Shan, Shu of Kaohsiung County as the research subject rated as the ninth class in disabled tennis of our national athletic team. In 2007, Shu participated and entered 11 matches against major opponents from Europe in various international open tournaments. And various composite techniques and points won or lost were collected in order to explore the point-averages for various composite techniques and matches, in addition to the relationships among usage ratios. To prepare and get ready for the 2008 Olympics for disabled athletes in Beijing, it is necessary to target tactics used by Shu and other highly qualified athletes from US and Europe, and proceed in-depth research to enhance the targeted training and make-ups in order to increase the chances of winning the medals in the end. From the findings of this research: 1. Comparing Shu with the first five of top ten world athletes, Shu's points-won for serving attack period and the receiving the serves with attack period reached the standards. And in the period of locking-in-a-stalemate (i.e. push-attack and twist-attack), the points-won ratios were not high enough and the performance in this regard was less than expected. Therefore, Shu should work hard in maintaining the technique levels of serving with fighting to attack period in addition to receiving the serves with fight-backs. In addition, Shu should maintain good stamina so as to aggressively attack to maintain the superiority to maintain the advantage of the first five serves. 2. The capabilities of push-attack for European athletes were generally rated as considerably good. The handling accuracy for locking-in-a-stalemate was high, and this approach was to avoid the playing style of pushing forward. And it used short-twist and short-serve as the backbone of attack, waited for chances to attack and to avoid the opponents using arc serving to gain advantage in match. This way it would increase the defending difficulties and decrease the usage ratios for push-attack periods. And the ultimate goal is to increase the points-won ratio to elevate the overall chances of winning.


Table Tennis for disabled


