  • 期刊


Smart Helmet with Alert and Seeking System


近幾年來,環保意識抬頭及政府倡導節能減碳,還有各地腳踏車道之建置,形成台灣腳踏車風氣盛行。但不同於汽機車,一般腳踏車並未裝置「左、右方向燈」及「剎車燈」,因此當腳踏車過彎或急剎時,常導致後方用路人反應不及而發生意外事故。有鑑於此,本文提出一智慧型安全帽及其救援系統。智慧型安全帽配置全球定位系統接收器、三軸加速度感應器、行動通訊模組以及高亮度LED;救援系統搭載Google map及資料庫。安全帽裝置可感測騎乘者減速度、特定動作或發生事故,以啓動剎車燈、方向燈或發出合定位資訊之求救訊息,救援系統收到求救訊息將轉呈網頁瀏覽器介面以供查訊及救援。本裝置及其救援系統除提供安全之行駛模式外,若意外事件發生時並可提供救援訊息,提高救援效率。


In recent years, with increasing environmental awareness, the number of bicycles was increasing rapidly. Due to bicycle without turn signal and brake lights, easily lead to traffic accident. In this work, we propose a smart helmet and rescue system for protecting the bicyclists. The former included integrated electronics providing safety features. Helmet features includes a global locating system, a tri-axial accelerometer sensor, a mobile communications network device and LED display panels. The LED provides a brake lamp output based on deceleration and left/right turn signal lamps depend on action of bicyclists. The device can initiate a rescue-alert signal by sensor detecting. The rescue system is actually a web-server equipped with Google maps and database. The location of injured transmitted to rescue server through cellular network for enhance the efficiency of rescue. The proposed system can greatly reduced the injury and fatality of traffic accident.


Helmet Accelerometer GPS


Tseng, Teng-Hui,Chen, Jun-Horng(2006).An Alert-Seeking System Constructed in the Cellular Network and WLAN.Proceedings of The Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science & Wireless Technology Conference.(Proceedings of The Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science & Wireless Technology Conference).
Tseng, Teng-Hui,Chen, Jun-Horng,Cheng, Tsung-Chien(2007).Accelerometer in Mobile Device for Alert-Seeking System.Proceedings of The Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science & Wireless Technology Conference.(Proceedings of The Cross Strait Tri-regional Radio Science & Wireless Technology Conference).
Freescale Semiconduclor MMA7260QT datasheet, A vailable: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/library/prod_lib.jsp
Telit GM862-GPS Software User guide, Available: http://www.telit.co.it/down.asp?productId=105
