  • 期刊


Factors Affecting the Purchasing Intention of Male Skincare Products




The awareness of male skincare has been increasing in recent years, as male consumers are more concerned with their public appearance. The cosmetic factories, traditionally manufacturing female cosmetic products, have now entered into research, developing, and producing male skincare products. As a result, the male skincare products have fast expanded their shelf space in retail outlets. Obviously, there is a lucrative commercial potential in this business area. This study focuses on indentifying the factors impacting the purchasing intention of male skincare product consumers. After extensive literature reviews, types of channel, product involvement, and perceptive risk are identified as independent variables which have significant influence on the purchasing intention of male skincare product consumers. Four hundred and twelve valid questionnaires were collected and coded for hypotheses testing by utilizing the regression model analysis. Three findings emerge from the analysis: (1) The physical channel has higher influence on the purchasing intention of male skincare products than the virtual channel; (2) The product involvement level has a positive impact on the purchasing intention of male skincare product; (3) The negative influence of perceived risk on the purchasing intention of male skincare product is not supported. Managerial implications and future research directions are suggested.


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