  • 期刊


Consumers' Acceptance of Electronic Commerce of Organic Agricultural Products


本研究主要的目的是探討影響網路消費者使用電子商務購買有機農產品之意願與行為的因素,並進而瞭解推行有機農產品電子商務之可行性及發展方向。 科技接受模型的理論是資訊管理領域中經常被用來探究影響人們接受資訊科技之因素的研究方法。本研究依照科技接受模式,並考量以機農產品市場之特殊性,假設影響消費者使用電子商務購買有機農產品之因果關係是:影響使用行為之因素是使用意願,而影響使用意願之因素包括易用性知覺、有用性知覺及對有機農產品之認同度,但易用性知覺又影響有用性知覺。研究結果顯示,上述假設均顯著成立。研究結果亦發現,受訪者對有機農產品的認同度並不是影響使用意願及使用行為的最重要因素。易用性知覺的影響效果最大,其次是有用性知覺,有機農產品的認同度之影響效果反而最小。本次調查亦顯示,對有機農業接觸或認同度有明顯差異的兩組受訪者有機農業電子報訂戶及學校職員中,認為網路宅配是購買有機農產品理想管道之比率分別高達10%及14%。顯示未來有機農產品網路交易前景可期。因此,未來推行有機農產品電子商務時,並不應侷限於對有機農業認同度高之消費者,而應重視提高消費者對使用有機農產品電子商務是簡單易用且有用的認知。


The purpose of this research is to study the causalities, which influence the internet-users to accept electronic commerce (EC) of organic agricultural products. Furthermore, it also intends to gain understanding of the validity as strategies and future development of EC for organic products.Referring to the concept of Technology Acceptance Model, which is developed to research the acceptance of information technology by people, the hypotheses in this paper are: (1) the perceived ease of use, the perceived usefulness and the belief of organic agricultural products are determinants of behavioral intention to use, (2) behavioral intention to use is the causality of the actual usage, and (3) the perceived ease of use affects the perceived usefulness. By use of Path Analysis, the hypotheses above are statistically proved to be valid.The result of the research shows that it is not the respondents' belief to organic agricultural products, but the perceived ease of use is the most important factor affecting the intention and usage of EC for organic agricultural products. In addition, more than 10% out of two groups of respondents, who are the personnel (accessible internet-user) of educational institutions and the subscribers (organic agriculture supporters) of Internet newsletters from organic agriculture information center, agreed that the EC is the ideal way to buy organic products.It is concluded that EC for organic products has scope for future development in Taiwan. However, it is known that to increase its acceptance should not only focus on the people who already have interest in organic agriculture, but also to make the other internet-users realize the ease and usefulness of EC of organic products.


