  • 期刊


A Study on the Technology Ethics Attitudes and the Learning Effects of the Ethic Courses of the Students at the Department of Engineering at National I-Lan University




大學 學生 科技倫理 態度


The main purpose of this study are to understand the attitudes to technology ethics of the students, and to discuss the learning effects of technology ethics course at National I-Lan University. Based on the review of literature, a list of the attitudes to technology ethics of the students was developed. Methods of literature review, fact-finding, panel discussion, and questionnaire survey were applied to achieve the research purposes. The samples of this study included 6 departments (12 classes). The return of survey questionnaire include 6 departments (100.0%), 488 students. The data obtained from this study, through statistical analysis, could be concluded mainly as follows: (1) 30% of students expressed they liked the course of technology ethics. And, over 60% students express ethics courses were benefited for them. (2) Almost of students have positive views to technology ethics attitudes, but part of students. (3) The course of technology ethics was benefited for students of the attitudes to technology ethics.


University Student Technology Ethics Attitude
