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Does Sex Differences Moderate the Relationship between Basic Motor Ability and Preschooler's Brain Development?-An EEG Study



根據研究,δ功率遞減與α功率遞增是學前兒童腦波發展的重要指標。Clarke等人研究兒童腦波發展與性別之關係,發現男童比女童有較高的α功率,較低的θ、δ功率,顯示女童比男童在腦波的發展上較為遲緩;但其他研究則未有定論,Gallahue指出神經軸突的髓鞘化大多完成於前兒童期,而髓鞘化與兒童動作技能發展有絕大的關係;在大腦皮質逐漸成熟與組織化後,兒童的動作與認知才能達到更高的水平。石恒星也證實:學前兒童腦波δ功率與身體活動能力高低呈現負相關,α-2功率與身體活動能力高低呈現正相關趨勢。本研究以腦波發展探討學前兒童基本運動能力與性別的關係,以Armheim與Sinclair的Basic Motor Ability Tests-Revised(BMAT-R)為工具,該測驗以1536位年齡4-12歲兒童為樣本,項目11項,其內部一致性=.93。本研究檢測學前男女童共31名(男16,女15),年齡為60-66個月;依其運動能力分成高、中、低三組;並以多頻道腦波儀收集腦波,電極位置採用國際10-20系統之標準配置,腦波資料以兒童放鬆後,腦波呈現穩定狀態為擷取時段,分四次收錄,每次收錄45秒,中間休息1分鐘。資料經快速傅立葉(FFT)轉換後求得各頻率功率值,分析δ、θ、α-1、α-2、β-1、β-2等六個頻率段(0.5-3.5Hz、4-7Hz、7.5-9Hz、9.5-12.5Hz、13-19Hz、20-30Hz)的絕對功率,並使用LN轉換使用功率值接近常態分配。本研究自變項為性別(男、女)與基本運動能力(高、中、低水準);依變項為腦波活動功率(電極位置:F3、F4、Cz、Pz、O1、O2)。探討學前兒童六個區域六個頻率的功率在基本運動能力高低與性別的交互情形;使用二因子多變量分析進行檢定。本研究顯著水準設定為.05。所得結果顯示:學前兒童之性別與基本運動能力在腦波上並無交互作用。


Many past studies have found age-related maturation EEG changes in the early stages of childhood. Matousek and Petersen (1973) conducted the first major research of age-related EEG changes. The results indicated that δ and θ activity were dominant until the age of four years and gradually decreased with age, while α and β activity increased throughout childhood. Matthis, Scheffner, Benninger, Lipinski, and Stolzis (1980) also found, with increasing age, slow wave activity appeared to be replaced by faster frequencies. According to their findings and suggestions, changes in EEG frequency can be used as an index of the neural maturation of a child's brain. Among factors that might exert influence on the brain's aging, physical activity has been found to have an effect on brains several cognitive and emotional functions of adults. In studying the effects of physical activity on preschool children's cognitive and emotional development, Shih (2004) found that δ activity was significantly negatively correlated with physical activity (r=-.693) in preschool children. However, past studies related to the brain's EEG development of the different sexes were inconsistent. With an attempt to clarify the relationships among physical activity, sex differences and children's brain EEG development, the current study intended to examine whether sex differences moderated the relationship between basic motor ability and EEG frequency in preschoolers. Sixteen boys and fifteen girls, between the age of sixty and sixty-six months, participated in this study. Each of them was assessed by the Basic Motor Ability Tests-Revised (Armheim & Sinclair, 1978) to determine their basic motor ability. The EEG was recorded during an eyes-closed resting condition at six electrode sites (i.e., F3, F4, Cz, Pz, O1, O2). The cleaned EEG was fast Fourier transformed to provide estimates for absolute power in the six frequency bands (i.e., δ, 0.5-3.5Hz; θ, 4-7Hz; α-1, 7.5-9Hz; α-2, 9.5-12.5Hz; β-1, 13-19Hz; β-2, 20-30Hz). A sex differences × motor ability Multivariate Test was employed on each of the six electrodes for the six frequency bands. The results revealed that there was no significant interactive effect between sex differences and basic motor ability at six electrode sites in the six frequency bands. Also, there were no significant main effects in sex differences and basic motor ability.


sex differences preschoolers basic motor ability EEG


