  • 學位論文


Comparative method of decreasing of Greenhouse Gas Emission policy between Mainland China and Taiwan

指導教授 : 曲兆祥


溫室效應造成全球環境生態巨變,甚至威脅到人類的生存發展,這種變化唯有靠世界各國的合作才能使其趨緩。隨著京都議定書的生效,溫室氣體排放減量是勢在必行的。此外,中國大陸經濟快速的崛起也伴隨排放大量的溫室氣體,這不但造成中國大陸環境生態的浩劫,也使全球環境變化加劇,而兩岸因其地理位置的接近,更使得我國無法置身於中國大陸環境變遷事外。因此兩岸在環境議題上是具有密不可分的關係,同時具有其急迫性。 在溫室氣體排放減量的議題上,兩岸同時具有競爭與合作關係的。首先,本文利用國際安全合作分析架構,分析兩岸在溫室氣體排放減量的國家行為為何?其次,藉由了解兩岸因應溫室氣體排放減量的國家行為,進而分析兩岸在減量議題中,其相互競爭或合作的事項,並利用博奕理論分析之。 再者,本文將兩岸在溫室氣體排放減量議題的「競爭」,集中討論於我國參與國際減量談判的名稱、身份問題。此問題包括我國是否可以使用排放實體參與國際會議,或者只能依附在中國大陸之下參與談判。最後,本文將討論兩岸在排放減量議題的合作。在減量合作部份,分析兩岸各自減量的國家行為中具有那些得以合作的政策?接著再分析能促使上述減量合作的政治合作機制為何。


Since Global warming not only lead to an extreme change of the environment, but also became a threat of the human beings, it's no doubt that the international community should work together to ease off the change, and reduction of greenhouse gas emission must be done in line with the Kyoto Protocol. The large amount of greenhouse gas emission that accompanies China's rapid economic rise has not only caused disasters in China's environment and ecology, but also accelerated global environmental changes. Because of geographic approximaty between the two countries, the environmental issue in China is an urgent concern not only for China, but also for Taiwan. This geographic bound puts the two sides in both a competitive and cooperative relation at the same time in reducing greenhouse gas emission. First, this study will try to analyze the different reduction behaviors in the two countries using the framework of international security cooperation analysis. After getting a comprehensive understanding of the two countries' reduction behaviors, this paper will then analyze the items on which the two sides may be engaged in cooperation or competition. Next, the paper will focus on the name and identity Taiwan could use in negations on greenhouse gas reduction--whether Taiwan can participate in these meetings as an entity or has to do as part of China. Last, the paper will discuss cross-strait cooperation on reducing emission of greenhouse gas. There will be an analysis on which policies in each side's reduction agenda may be suitable for cooperation, and which of these policies may help establish the mechanism for cross-strait cooperation. A discussion on which political mechanism may accelerate the cooperation will then follow.


