  • 期刊


Research on the Meaning of Modernization and the Process of Modernization in China


「現代化」(Modernization)這個議題,自二十世紀六O、七O年代以來一直是各地學者熱烈討論的重點。非常諷刺的是以美國為首的歐美現代化先進國家的論述觀點,與亞、非、拉丁美洲國家還在現代化過程奮鬥中的論述觀點,有相當大的差異。這當然跟現代化過程是否為主動或被動有很大的關係。我國自十九世紀中開始現代化運動,是由「戰爭失敗」的不好經驗開始,再加上中間過程屈辱艱辛,至今影響著我國人對西方文明與現代化並不是很正面的看法。尤其是近年來海峽兩岸,雖已先後邁入現代化國家之林,但也都遇到現代化與傳統文化融合與調適的問題, 這將影響著未來的發展。因此,有必要回到原點,重新對「現代化」的意義及「中國現代化」的歷程,做一個有意義的探討,這將有助於我國現在面臨著許多問題與困境的釐清。尤其在二十一世紀中國人要開始蒸蒸日上之時,放棄悲情而以中性、持平及宏觀的態度來看待現代化的意義、演化及影響,以及我國在其中的變化,並找出一條有意義的路,將是本文在探討現代化意義時最主要的目的。由於這一篇文字,將來主要介紹的對象為初學者與學生。因此,用語盡量淺白,希望對引發其暸解「現代化」這一個議題的興趣上,會有一些幫助。


現代化 現代性 西化 歐化


Questions of the Modernization have been discussed for several decades since late 20th century within the academic community. These debates have revealed a great difference in viewpoint between academics in the West and those outside of the West. A major factor contributing to this difference is whether or not national modernization is experienced and understood as an active or a passive process. For the Chinese, the process of westernization and modernization in the late 19th century was started by the wartime experience of the West, an unfortunate experience that continues to exert its influence even to the present day. However, the economic development of both Taiwan and China in these decades has resulted in a new relationship between the Chinese and the West. These changes suggest the need for a wider range of viewpoints regarding the meaning of modernization. Especially important is the need for a universal understanding of how to properly establish a new modern country, a goal toward which further research into the various definitions of ”modernization” would be of intrinsic importance. The purpose of this paper is therefore to encourage the interests of both beginner- and advanced-level students in this issue. To that end, this paper avoids the usage of highly technical academic language, and chooses instead to approach discussion of the important issues related to modernization in the more accessible language of public dialogue.
