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The Political Reform in China under Economical Development-Reexamination of the Modernization Theory


從政治經濟學的鼻祖亞當斯密(Adam Smith)、英國的社會學大師史賓賽(Herbert Spencer)、將歐洲社會學傳入美國的帕深思(Talcott Parsons)、政治社會學著名學者李普賽(Seymour Martin Lipset),到專研民主化的當代政治學大師杭廷頓(Samuel Huntington),無一不認為經濟的發展將帶來社會的劇烈變遷、價值的多元化,以及必須以民主制度來整合各種利益衝突的要求。而現代化理論正是強調一個國家對於社會經濟結構與政治制度間有著緊密的關聯性存在。然而此一推論對於自1978年經濟改革後,經濟高度成長的中國大陸而言,目前尚未產生現代化理論所預言在高度經濟發展後,隨之帶來的政治體制改革現象,其理論適用是否與其他地區研究,存有不同重大變因。因而本文擬就中國大陸近年經濟發展與政治制度改革予以比較分析,再次檢證現代化理論之觀點。


From Adam Smith-pioneer of political economics, Herbert Spencer-great British scholar of sociology, Talcott Parsons-bringing European sociology to the United States, Seymour Martin Lipset-famous scholar of political sociology to Samuel Huntington-great scholar of modern politics and expert in modernization, all believe that economic development will bring dramatic change in society, multiplicity of value, and the requirement of a democracy needed to resolve various conflicts in benefits. The modernization theory is the one that emphasizes the existence of the close relationship between the social economical structure and political system in a country. However, following the rapid economic development in China since its economic reform in 1978, the political reform has not yet come as this theory predicted. Are there different significant variables in term of the application of the theory in other areas? Therefore, this study reexamines the modernization theory by analyzing the relationship between China's economical development in recent years and its political reform.
