  • 期刊


The test-retest Stability of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition


目的:探討不同受測間隔、個案類型與智力分數穩定性的關係。 方法:民國91年至93年期間,至本科門診重複接受魏氏兒童智力測驗之個案為研究對象,合計66人,所有研究對象皆經兒童精神科門診醫師診斷,兒童臨床心理師會談評估和前後兩次個別施測魏氏兒童智力量表第三版(WISC-Ⅲ)。受測間隔分為間隔三年以上與三年以下兩組,個案類型分為智能不足與其他臨床常見孩童兩組。 結果:(1)WISC-Ⅲ智商分數穩定性高,意即學齡孩童智商穩定性高,不同施測時問問隔與診斷類別並不會影響分數的穩定性;(2)WLSC-Ⅲ之知覺組織指數的穩定性較語文理解、專心注意指數高;(3)WLSC-Ⅲ非語文分測驗之穩定度較語文分測驗高。 結論:魏氏兒童智力量表分數在臨床樣本的穩定性高,建議臨床工作者察覺孩童智力分數有明顯變化時,宜進一步了解可能因素並積極協助處理。


Objective: We investigated the test-retest correlations of Wechsler Intelligence Scale within 3 years and after 3 years in different groups of children. Method: A total of 66 children from our outpatient clinic, who had received Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-Ⅲ) from the year of 2002 to 2004, were reviewed and studied. All subjects were divided into 2 groups, including mental retardation group and common mixed-type group. Those retested within 3 years were also compared with those retested after 3 years in both groups. Results: Performance on all of the cognitive measures of WISC-Ⅲ was stable over time, as evidenced by significant test-retest correlations in bothgroups and intervals. Performance on perceptual organization index was more stable than verbal comprehension index and freedom from distractibility index. Stability of the non-verbal scales is better than that of the verbal scales of WISC-Ⅲ. Conclusion: The test-retest stability in the scores of WISC-Ⅲ was found to be reliable. Based on this finding, we strongly suggest that clinical practitioners inquire further about possible factors and intervene when obvious variation in intelligence scores are discover.


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