  • 期刊


A Case Report: The Progression of Mood in a Patient with Panic Disorder in Psychotherapy


目的:本個案報告以標準化量表及自我監控(self-monitoring)蒐集情緒分數資料,以量化方式呈現個案在兩年心理治療歷程中情緒變化之軌跡。個案報告:個案為40 歲已婚女性,臨床診斷為伴隨懼曠症之恐慌性疾患及憂鬱症。心理治療共計87 次會談,採取認知行為以及動力取向治療。量化資料包括10 筆貝克焦慮及貝克憂鬱分數,以及自我監控之每日自評心情分數(742 筆焦慮及憂鬱分數以及671 筆自在及幸福分數)。討論:本個案報告以量化數據呈現個案情緒變化,說明標準化量表及自我監控皆能勾勒出治療歷程中情緒狀態的變化軌跡,協助治療師判斷個案進步情形,也顯示情緒困擾的改善可能是長期漸進的歷程而非短期顯著的改變。


Objective: This paper reports the profile of the patient's mood during the past two years in psychotherapy. Case Report: A 40-year-old married woman suffering from panic disorder with agoraphobia and depression. Cognitive-behavior therapy (1st ~ 28th sessions) was used to help the patient to re-interpret the physiological sensations in a non-catastrophic manner, and to learn the relaxation techniques to reduce her symptoms to a more manageable level. Then, psychodynamic therapy (29th ~ 87th sessions) was used to increase ego strength to reduce relapse rate. Beck Anxiety Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory & self-monitoring were administered to evaluate the efficacy of psychotherapy. Until now, we have collected 10 BAI & BDI scores, 742 self-rating depression and anxiety scores and 671 self-rating carefree and happiness scores. Discussion: We used quantitative data to present the progression of the patient's mood to explain both standard assessment measures and self-monitoring can provide more objective data to present the efficacy of psychotherapy. And the profile might imply that the improvement of emotional distress was a progressive process, which does not happen in a short time.


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