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The Effects of Neuropsychotherapy Group of Executive Function Training for Girl Adolescents with High Subjective Health Complaints



目的:高身心症狀抱怨與注意力控制缺乏彈性具有相關,為青少女中常見的身心健康問題。本研究旨在討論神經心理治療團體介入對缺乏彈性的注意力控制、身心健康狀態以及生活適應的療效。方法:受試者為41位身心篩檢為二級高風險之青少女,於篩檢後隨機分派至兩組,實驗組接受為期八週,每週兩小時之提升執行功能之神經心理團體治療,控制組則等待未有介入。兩組於學期初、學期末以及一個月後進行問卷測量,包括身心生活適應量表、一般性自我效能、日常生活注意力功能以及執行功能行為量表,並於一年後追蹤身心生活適應量表之篩檢結果,共37位完成研究。 結果:實驗組(n = 9)與控制組(n = 28)的身心症狀抱怨數皆顯著下降,但實驗組於各個指標之效果量多為中高程度,控制組僅為低度以下。身心健康篩檢結果顯示實驗組於學期末全數返回一級,控制組卻仍有20%為二級以上;一年後控制組有7.1%加重為三級,實驗組則未有三級。結論:雖然本研究樣本數尚少,但此一治療團體能大幅度地提升青少女之自我監控功能、身心健康狀態以及生活適應。此外,此治療團體能避免二級高風險群體加重至三級。


Objective: Subjective health complaints area common problems in female adolescents, which are correlated with inflexible attention control. In order to improve life adjustments as well as physical and mental health, this study is designed to investigate the effects of executive function training of Neuropsychotherapy group on female adolescents with high subjective health complaints. Methods: This study was conducted on 41 female adolescents who were screened as the secondary preventive level. They were randomly assigned into two different groups. The experiment group was intervened with Neuropsychotherapy (group) that was designed to train executive functions with rhythmic activities 2 hours a week for 8 weeks, while the control group waited without interventions. Both groups were evaluated with Computerized Adjustment Check List, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Perseverative Cognition Scale, Student Attention Rating Scale, and Executive Function Scale before and after intervention, and also in one month and one year afterwards for follow-up. There were 37 participants finished all research procedure. Results: Both the experiment (n = 9) and the control group (n = 28) were noted to have statistically significant lower subjective health complaints. However, the effect sizes of most indexes were medium to high in the experiment group and low in the control group. The results of screening shown that all participants in the experimental group are back to normal level after intervention but still 20% beyond the secondary level in the control group. After one year, 7.1% of the control group exacerbated to tertiary level, but no one in the experimental group. Conclusion: Although the sample size was small, this Neuropsychotherapy group was proven to have positive effects on female adolescents with subjective health complaints, in terms of self-monitor, physical and mental health, as well as life adjustments. Furthermore, this treatment can prevent from becoming territory preventive level.




