  • 期刊


The Effects of Brisk Walking on the Physical Fitness of Community-dwelling Elders with Chronic Illnesses


目的健走對代謝症候群老人之各危險因子具改善效果,但對慢性病老人進行體適能評估及合適的運動介入了解卻有限,本研究旨在探討以12週規律健走介入社區慢性病老人後對其體適能的影響。方法本研究採類實驗性研究設計,期間為102年9月至103年4月,以台灣中部某社區慢性病老人立意取樣並分為兩組,健走組34人及對照組32人共66名研究對象。健走組以規律健走介入共12週(30分鐘/次、5次/週或每週共150分鐘),對照組則維持原本日常活動,介入前後兩組皆測量六項老人功能性體適能,以SPSS 19.0軟體進行描述性統計、配對t檢定、及一般線性模式之單變量等分析。結果健走組在兩分鐘踏步明顯進步16.62步、坐椅體前伸增加1公分,均達統計顯著差異(p<0.05),對照組卻在握力減少1.26公斤、抓背測驗退步2.92公分,達統計上顯著差異(p<0.05);調整干擾因子-性別和教育程度,健走組仍以2分鐘踏步較對照組進步,對照組在抓背測驗明顯較健走組退步,其它項目則未達統計上顯著差異(p>0.05)。結論本研究結果顯示健走確實會改善慢性病老人的體適能,期待本研究能鼓舞慢性病老人養成規律健走的習慣,以促進健康。


Purposes Brisk walking improves the risk factor for metabolic syndrome in the elderly; however, the effect of an exercise intervention on the physical fitness of community-dwelling elders with chronic illnesses is not well understood. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of twelve-weeks of regular brisk walking on the physical fitness of a community sample of elders with chronic diseases. Methods The study used a quasi-experimental design and purposive sampling. A total of 66 elders with chronic diseases were recruited between September 2013 and April 2014. They were divided into two groups, an experimental group of 34 people and a control group of 32 people. The intervention in the experimental group lasted for 12 weeks and consisted of regular brisk walking for 30 minutes at least five times or 150 minutes per week, whereas the control group maintained their regular daily activities. The functional physical fitness of both groups was measure before and after the intervention, and was analyzed with descriptive statistics, paired t-tests and a general linear model by SPSS 19.0. Results The experimental group showed significant improvement in the 2-min step test and the chair sit-and reach test (p<0.05). They improved by 16.62 steps in the 2-min step test and 1 cm in the chair sit-and reach test. The control group showed deterioration (p<0.05) in grip (less than 1.26kg) and on the back scratch test (distance of 2.92 cm). After adjustment for gender and level of education, the experimental group had more improvement on the 2-min step test. The back scratch test showed that the control group had marked deterioration. There were no significant differences on the other tests (p>0.05). Conclusions Brisk-walking, in particular, can lessen the impact of aging caused by physical deterioration in the elderly. This study may encourage people to develop the habit of regular brisk walking to improve their physical health.
