  • 期刊


A Study on the Health-promoting Lifestyles, Demographic Characteristics, and Related Factors among Employees at A Medical Center


目的 某醫學中心員工健康促進生活型態與員工特質及相關因素之探討。方法 以中部某醫學中心員工為研究對象,包含醫師、護理、醫事及行政人員,進行橫斷式問卷調查。研究對象以分層抽樣並採自填式結構問卷進行資料收集,內容包括人口學、醫院健康活動組織效能、健康行為自我效能、自覺健康狀態及健康促進生活型態等相關變項,以統計方法共分析有效問卷341份。結果 健康促進生活表現型態越好越能認同醫院健康組織效能、醫院提供的健康促進活動、感覺自我健康狀態良好並有良好的健康行為。女性受訪者相較男性有較佳的人際支持,男性受訪者則有較佳的運動保健習慣。較年長的受訪者有較好的均衡飲食習慣,教育程度較高的受訪者則有較好的自我實現感與壓力處置能力。而服務年資越久的受訪者則有較高的自我實現感、較高的健康責任、良好均衡飲食習慣與較佳的壓力處置能力。與家人同住的受訪者則有更多的自我實現感與均衡飲食習慣。進一步分析結果顯示,受訪者的性別差異、年紀、教育程度為影響健康促進生活型態之主因。結論 影響醫院員工健康促進生活型態因素甚多,包括員工特質、健康促進行為、自我效能以及自覺健康狀態等,研究成果可提供醫院發展健康促進政策之重要參考。


Purposes To study the relationship between the health-promoting lifestyle and the characteristics of employees, as well as other related factors. Methods We performed a cross-sectional survey of a study sample that included doctors, nursing staff, practitioners, and administrative personnel from a medical center in central Taiwan. The study population was selected by means of stratified sampling, and we collected the data through a self-determined structured questionnaire. The contents included variables such as demographics, effectiveness of health-promoting activities held by the hospital, self-efficacy of health behaviors, perception of health status, and health-promoting lifestyle behaviors. A total of 341 valid questionnaires were statistically analyzed. Results The respondents who had a better health-promoting lifestyle perceived themselves as having a good health status and possessed greater health behaviors. These people were more knowledgeable about the effectiveness of the hospital health organization, which included health-promoting activities. Compared to the men, the female respondents indicated receiving more support from interpersonal relationships. The results of the male respondents indicated that they possessed better exercise habits with which to maintain their health. Some significant results for different categories of respondents were observed. Older respondents showed a more balanced diet. Respondents with a higher education level had a better sense of self-realization and a better ability to deal with stress. Advantages were also seen among senior respondents who had worked at the hospital for a longer time. These senior respondents were more responsible with their health issues, shown, in particular, through healthier eating habits. The respondents who lived with family also showed better self-realization and healthier diets. An advanced analysis showed that gender, age, and education level were some of the main factors affecting the health-promoting lifestyles of employees. Conclusions There are plenty of factors that affect the health-promoting lifestyle of employees, including the characteristics of the employees, health-promoting behaviors, and the perception of their health status. Results of this study can provide the hospital managers with a reference for designing and adopting health-promoting policies.
