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Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Body Mass Index in Elderly Persons


目的:探討老年人其睡眠狀況與身體質量指數之相關性。方法:本研究採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣進行抽樣,研究對象為南部某高齡醫學中心神經內科及身心科門診60歲(含)以上之門診病患共397位。以結構式問卷收集資料。問卷內容包含:人口學特質、生活型態與睡眠品質評量表等。資料統計採SPSS 22.0中文版統計軟體進行分析,以描述性統計分析研究對象之基本屬性及睡眠品質等,另以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸進行推論統計分析。結果:有63%研究對象的睡眠品質是差的(PSQI>5)。性別之睡眠品質有顯著差異;且女性長者之睡眠品質較男性差。睡眠時數低於6小時者之BMI值顯著高於6-7小時及7小時以上者,但在女性長者此現象並不顯著。老年人之整體睡眠品質與身體質量指數有關,睡眠品質越差,身體質量指數越高。本研究結果顯示年長者之睡眠品質與性別、睡眠時數、BMI有關。以進入法(Enter)迴歸分析此模式可解釋睡眠品質總變異量之40.1%(R^2=0.401)。結論:年長者之BMI與睡眠時數呈現負相關,而BMI與睡眠品質PSQI則呈現正相關,亦即睡眠時數越少,睡眠品質越差,BMI值越高。


Purposes: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between sleep quality and body mass index (BMI) in elderly persons. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was employed, and convenience sampling was conducted. In total, 397 outpatients aged 60 years and above were recruited as study participants from the neurology and psychiatry outpatients department of a geriatric medical center in southern Taiwan. Structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The Chinese version of the SPSS 22.0 statistical software was used for analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the patients' general characteristics and sleep quality. In addition, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and regression were used for inferential statistical analysis. Results: In total, 63% of participants had poor sleep quality (PSQI<5). There was a significant difference in sleep quality between sexes, and female elderly patients had poorer sleep quality than males. The BMI of participants who slept less than 6 hours was significantly higher than those who slept 6-7 hours and 7 hours or more, but not significantly high in female elderly subjects. The overall sleep quality in elderly subjects was correlated with BMI. The poorer the sleep quality, the higher the BMI. The study results demonstrate that sleep quality of elderly persons is related to gender, hours of sleep, and BMI. Enter regression analysis of this model can explain 40.1% of the variance of sleep quality (R^2=0.401). Conclusions: Our results show that in elderly subjects, BMI and hours of sleep had a negative correlation, while BMI and PSQI had a positive correlation. The fewer the hours of sleep, the poorer the sleep quality, and the higher the BMI.
