  • 期刊


What Should Be Changed and Remain Unchanged in the Teaching of Freshman Chinese Courses: A Case Study on the Reform of Textbook Materials at a University of Science and Technology in Central Taiwan




Curriculum reform is an unavoidable challenge that teachers must face continually. It has been questioned as to whether it is necessary to require freshman Chinese courses as a compulsory class for first-year university students in Taiwan. The educational system has created many requirements for the teaching of Chinese in universities, such as for passing on culture, improving language skills for listening, speaking, reading and writing, cultivating the ability to read professional books and appreciate literary works, and more. However, due to limits in lesson times, administrative support, student proficiency levels and student motivation, it has become a great challenge to define the role, teaching objectives, pedagogies and assessments of teaching and learning for the freshman Chinese course. This article studies a case of curriculum reform for a freshman Chinese course at a university of science and technology in the central region of Taiwan. It first details changes in teaching materials and approaches during the different stages of reform over the past 20 years. It then addresses how instructors have employed diverse teaching pedagogies to promote their students' interest in the course and to improve their learning achievement. It finally points out some concerns as to whether these reforms have achieved their aims for both teaching and learning in the course. Ultimately, based on the research and suggestions of scholars, this article hopes to clarify the essence of university Chinese teaching and to further understand what should be changed and what should remain in regard to the curriculum and current needs. Innovations in curriculum and teaching strategies and persistence in the merits of existing traditions should be the goal.
