

本研究試圖以多元迴歸分析探究體適能測驗項目的坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、立定跳遠等三項,以推估心肺耐力成績的可行性,藉以建構學童心肺耐力迴歸變異分析的線性模式。根據研究結果顯示如下。 一、坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與心肺耐力四者之間,其F值為20.7412*,具有顯著性差異。又其中三項測驗成績對心肺耐力檢測具有顯著差異存在。三項測驗成績與心肺耐力分數呈現負相關。說明三項檢測分數越高,心肺耐力檢測分數則越低,代表心肺耐力越佳。 二、本研究結果Beta估計值可推估其數線圖如下,Ŷ=(-.260)X1+(-1.358)X2+(-1.334)X3+55.094,當仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎兩個變項控制住,立定跳遠平均成績每增加10公分,預估心肺耐力(跑800公尺)平均降低13.44秒「(-1.334)×10」,此說明立定跳遠越優異的群組,其群組的心肺耐力越佳 三、本研究迴歸統計語法,顯示「Beta之估計值」經由標準化轉換為「Beta分配」,其坐姿體前彎、仰臥起坐、立定跳遠的Beta值分別為-.027、-.204、-.467;此三者數值具有推估心肺耐力的功效。 四、本研究標準化迴歸數線為「Zy=(-.027)Zx1+(-.204)Zx2+(-.467)Zx3」,可知何項具有預測力。例如,每當立定跳遠增加一個標準差的距離,則心肺耐力降低 .467個標準差,代表群組的心肺功能增加。


In this study, multiple regression analysis attempts to explore the physical fitness test of the sit and reach, sit-ups, standing long jump three to estimate the feasibility of cardiopulmonary endurance performance, cardiorespiratory endurance in order to build students return variation linear model analysis. Based on the findings shown below. First, sit and reach, sit-ups, standing long jump and fourth between cardiorespiratory endurance, and its F value is 20.7412(superscript *), significant difference. Three of them to heart and lung endurance tests with significant differences detected. Three test scores and cardiovascular endurance scores showed a negative correlation. Note the higher scores of the three detection, detection of cardiorespiratory endurance scores were lower, the better representative of cardiorespiratory endurance. Second, the results of this study, the estimated value of Beta can be estimated that the number of the following chart, Ŷ=(-.260) X1+(-1.358) X2+(-1.334) X3+55.094, when sit-ups, sit and reach two control variables, standing long jump an average score for each additional 10 cm, estimate cardiorespiratory endurance (running 800 meters) on average 13.44 seconds to lower ”(-1.334)×10”, standing long jump here that the more superior group, the group the better the cardiopulmonary Endurance. Third, this study grammar regression shows that ”Beta is the estimated value of” standardized by the conversion of ”Beta distribution”, the sit and reach, sit-ups, standing long jump, respectively, for the Beta value of -.027, -.204, -.467; the three values with estimates of the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary endurance. Fourth, this study was the standardization of the number of lines for the return of ”Zy=(-.027) Zx1+(-.204) Zx2+(-.467) Zx3”, know that He has the predictive power of. For example, when standing long jump one standard deviation increase in the distance, the lower the cardiovascular endurance of the standard deviation of .467, on behalf of a group of cardiopulmonary function increase.
