  • 期刊


The Research of the First Chinese Minister to Great Britain in the Late Ching Dynasty


以中國傳統的天下觀而論,清末如何處理外交關係,對於中國,地確是「實為數千年未有之變局」,如何因應列強的諸多要求,著實困擾著滿清帝國,真是動輒得咎,更是吃力不討好。歷數清季主導外交者,都是在中外交迫,內外交擊情況下,與列強交涉,故不論滿漢要員無不是遍體鱗傷,幾無人可以倖免,導致最後人人視為畏途。但面對一波波國際強權的衝擊,已是搖搖欲墜的中國又豈能自免於外?還是知其不可為而為之,這不也印證了弱國無外交的悲哀。 本文主要處理1875年,清朝決定派遣中國首位駐外公使郭嵩燾出使英國的原委。藉由這項主題的研究,想要呈現清朝在彼時外交上所遭遇諸多的困境,外交人才的匱乏和對國際公法的無知。 本文主要分為兩個部份,一是論述馬嘉理事件發生前,在華所發生的諸多外交事件;二是對於郭嵩燾使英,具有關鍵性作用的馬嘉理事件之分析。 除了透過歷史研究的分析外,本文另外嘗試運用國際公法與新興的談判理論分析馬嘉理事件,希望藉由這些理論的導入,使讀者更能充分掌握當時清朝所面臨國際困境與衝擊。


The foreign relations between China and other countries was disturbed in the Late Ching Dynasty because it had never happened two thousand years ago. Most of the leading figures who dealt with the foreign relations would finally hurt themselves so that no one dared to manage it. But there was no way for the Late Ching Dynasty to escope from the challengs of Treaty Powers in the late 19 century. The goal of this paper is ready to analyze why the Ching dynasty decided to dispatch the first Chinese minister, Kou Sung-tao, to Great Britain. From the research we know: 1, the Ching Dynasty had a lot of difficulties when in dealing with foreign affairs; 2, there was an absence of knowledgable foreign officials; 3, little the knowledge of international law existed. There are two sections to this paper: 1, research foreign affairs before the Margary Affair in 1875; 2, the Margary Affair. Apart from the above, the paper tries analyze the Margary Affair with the International law and theory of negotiation so that the reader could further understand the dilemma and negative impact of the late Ching dynasty.
