  • 學位論文


Before Qing Dynasty Relation of History and Confucians Classics Elaboration research

指導教授 : 周彥文




Since Zhang Xue-cheng from the Qing dynasty brought out the concepts of the “Historical Six Classics”, it has caused the big discussion of the “Relation of History and Confucian Classics” in the academic fields until now. Zhang Xue-cheng’s saying is one of the important theories in the Scholarly Traditions of China. Scholars all over the world have been paying attention and studying it till today. The concepts of the “Historical Six Classics” have inherited formal scholars’ thinking. It organized all the theories about history and Confucian classics. We can learn the changes about academic history and the relationships of style of study in the times. From this we can establish the evolution tracks on the theories about history and Confucian Classics. Also, we can understand more about all the theories of history and Confucian Classics before the Qing Dynasty. It helps us to comprehend Zhang Xue-cheng’s concepts and to pass it on to prove the value and academic achievements of the “Historical Six Classics”.


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明清儒學轉型探析:從劉蕺山到戴東原(增訂版) 鄭宗義 香港 中文大學出版社 2009年
清代義理學新貌 張麗珠 台北 里仁書局 1999年
從文士到經生──考據學風潮下的常州學派 蔡長林 台北 中央研究院中國文哲研究所 2010年
中國近現代思想觀念史論 林安梧 台北 臺灣學生書局 1995年


