  • 期刊


Establishing Autonomy for Indigenous Peoples and Its Influence to the Present Local Government System


原住民族自治議題近幾年來引起各界廣泛的討論和關注,2000年的總統大選,民主進步黨候選人陳水扁,就其原住民族政策提出了《原住民族政策白皮書》,更與各族代表簽訂了〈原住民族與臺灣政府新的夥伴關係〉,在當選後,此皆成為民進黨新政府原住民族政策的重要指標。當代原住民族具體提出自治之訴求,是以1984年起進行一連串的原住民運動為起點,原住民運動過程中經由與國際原住民族組織的台作和相關理論的引入與研究,使臺灣原住民族自治的訴求主軸更加明確。 臺灣的行政區域劃分從1950年完成後,除1976年及1979年臺北市、高雄市升格為直轄市、1982年新竹市與嘉義市升格為省轄市,而略有調整外,即未再調整。臺灣的行政區域已經有近五十年沒有重劃。由於工商業發展後帶動的都市化與城鄉人口流動,使得半世紀前臺灣農業時代的行政區劃與當前臺灣各地方生活圈的分佈已有所出入,再加上資訊科技與行政管理技術的發達,行政效率的要求提升,過細的行政區劃也可能會增加行政溝通和行政管理上的成本,妨礙了地方資源的整合,壓抑了地方發展的潛能。一旦原住民族自治區依法設置,其對於既有地方制度的影響為何,本文將為之探討。


The issue of indigenous peoples autonomy has led to widespread discussion in recent years. During 2000's presidential election, Democratic Progressive Party candidate Chen Shui-Bian proposed his indigenous peoples' policy with Indigenous Peoples Policy White Paper, and signed the agreement ”A New Partnership between Indigenous Peoples and Government of Taiwan” with various indigenous peoples' representatives after the election. These important announcements eventually turned out to be the new indigenous peoples' policy of Democratic Progressive Party. The indigenous peoples have raised requirement on the issue of self-autonomy, based on a succession of indigenous movement in 1984, which has contained the correlated theories and researches, and also cooperated with the international indigenous communities, to clarify the Taiwan indigenous peoples autonomous demand. Taiwan's local administrative division implemented in 50 years ago has not been amended since then, except Taipei City and Kaohsiung City upgraded their municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government in 1976 and 1979 respectively, Hsinchu City and Chiayi City raised their municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the Taiwan Provincial Government. Because the industrial and commercial developments have led to urbanization and population flow, the local administrative division has been too out-of-date to accommodate to contemporary living circumstance. In addition, the development of informative and administrative technology resulted in the higher demand in terms of administrative efficiency, the old system would be a burden for better administrative communication and cost. Moreover, it might obstruct the integration of local resource, then constrain the potential of local development. Once indigenous peoples autonomous region establishes legally, its influence on local governmental autonomy will be a main concern, which is the key discussion in this article.
