  • 期刊


A Study on Recreation and Leisure Participation of Senior High School and Higher Education Military Instructors


本研究旨在探討軍訓教官休閒運動參與現況之情形,以630所高級中等以上學校,4,436位軍訓教官爲研究對象,並利用自編之「軍訓教官休閒運動參與現況調查問卷」爲研究工具來進行問卷調查。最後根據實際調查所得資料,進行資料分析,得到以下結論: 一、受訪者中以男性佔74.4%居多,年齡集中在35-39歲佔33.3%,軍種以陸軍佔77.8%爲主,兵科以政戰佔40.8%最多,教育背景以具有民間一般大學學歷者佔27.3%最多,階級以少校階佔41.7%最多,職稱以高中一般教官佔59.9%爲多數。全國軍訓教官約有81.9%有從事休閒運動,其中「有規律」運動習慣者僅45.2%,「偶而爲之」者佔54.8%。 二、休閒運動參與現況時間的安排,在「假日」參與休閒運動佔36.3%爲最高。參與的頻率部分,每週參與「1次」者佔34.6%最高;每日參與時段以「下午」佔41%較多;每次參與的時間以「1小時(含)」以內佔53%爲最高。參與休閒運動之友伴以「家人」計佔32.6%爲主;「徒步」47.2%與「開車」27.3%爲主要的交通方式,並以「親自參與」82.5%爲主要參與休閒運動方式。有22.4%之軍訓教官從事休閒運動必須繳 交固定之費用,77.6%則不需繳交固定之費用;平均每月花費以無須任何花費者佔39.6%較多。從事休閒運動之地點以「學校」佔22.1%;運動項目則以「慢跑」、「登山」、「自行車」、「觀賞活動」合計佔42.9%爲主。


軍訓教官 休閒運動


The purpose of this study is to investigate the participating of recreation sports among senior high school and higher education military instructors. The participants of this study consisted of 4,436 military instructors from 630 schools. All participants completed Participating of Recreational Sports Questionnaire, which was self-developed by researcher from the available literature to collect data. The results are as follows: 1. Along those being surveyed, 74.4% were male, 33.3% aged from 35 to 39, 77.8% served in army, which ranked the highest among all military forces, and 40.8% was from the political sector. 27.3% of the participants were college graduates, 41.7% held the Major position, and over half of them (59.9%) taught in high schools. Among all the military instructors in Taiwan, 81.9% did recreational sports, in which 45.2% did on a regular basis, and 54.8% did only once in a while. 2. The results show that 36.3% of the military instructors did recreational sports during the weekends, 34.6% did only once a week, 40% did recreational sports in the afternoon, which is the main slot of the day the surveyors did exercises. When asked of the length of their exercise time, 32.6% did sports no longer than one hour each time. Over half of the military instructors did exercises with their family members (53.5%), and their major transportation was either by walking (47.2%) of driving (27.3%). 82.5 % of the participants were personally engaged in sports, 23% paid fixed fee for participating in recreational sports while 77.6% did not. The location were mostly in schools(22.1%), and the major types of recreational sports were jogging, hiking, cycling, and watching sports(42.9%).


