  • 期刊


The Development of Civil Society and Democracy in R.O.C. (Taiwan): A Discourse of Constructive Perspectives about Civil Society


作爲當代民主憲政重要思潮之一的civil society概念,其理論名詞雖看似源自於西方,然而就在二十世紀末全球化民主浪潮的席捲下,如今非但已在世界各國普遍開花結果,同時也逐漸增加了許多在地的經驗內涵,包括東歐、東南亞、乃至於臺灣,並逕自發展出各具特色的「公民社會」與「民主政治」的關係。尤其是,臺灣自1980年代威權體制轉型伊始,隨後歷經七次的憲政改革以迄當前的民主鞏固階段,公民社會的理念與我國民主政治的發展,其實彼此問早已存在著一種相互證成的關係。是以,本文立論的主旨有三,其一、在於勾勒並簡介我國民主政治發展過程中,公民社會意識甦醒及其理念之所以形成的原因。其二、在於詮釋並解析公民社會在地化後的理念意涵。其三、在於統整並論述值此民主鞏固的階段,我國公民社會理念的建構性願景,包括有:政治方面―賡續鞏固民主化與法治化,建立穩健的憲政體制;經濟方面―深入落實自由化與國際化,導向理性的經濟活動;社會方面―激勵肯認及包容多元化,充實理想的社會生活;文化方面―積極發揚本土化與在地化,豐富優質的公民文化;以及國家認同方面―培塑公民意識的主體化,確立臺灣優先的國家意識。凡此,皆已在在成爲我國邁向現代化國家與社會之林的一種共同價值取向所在。


The concept of civil society has been one of the most important thoughts of democratic constitution in the contemporary world. Although it seems that the term was originated from the West, there has been a universal impact all over the world in the wave of global democracy at the end of twenty century. At the same time, this concept has drawn a lot of local experiences, including Eastem Europe, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. The unique characteristic of the relationship between <||>civil society<||> and <||>democracy<||> has developed in each culture. Particularly, the authoritarian regime in Taiwan that has transited since 1980, and then there were seven times constitutional reforms. Because of it, Taiwan is now in the democratic consolidation stage. In fact, the concept of civil society and the democratic development in Taiwan has been able to justify the existences of each other. Therefore, there are three main ideas in this paper: First, to outline and introduce the reason why the consciousness of civil society revived and formed in the process of democratic development in Taiwan; second, to explain and analyze the intention of civil society after localization; third, to integrate and state the constructive perspectives on Taiwanese civil society in the democratic consolidation stage. There are five aspects in the perspectives: In political aspect, to consolidate the democracy and rule of law continuously in order to construct a stable constitutional system; in economic, to put the liberalization and internationalization of economy into practice for leading to the rational economic activities; in social, encourage and embrace the pluralism of society; in cultural, to enhance the localization aggressively, to enrich the ideal civil life; and in the aspect of national identification, to develop the subjectivity of civic consciousness, to realize Taiwan's prior position as national identity. In summary, all these are the common value orientation which will make Taiwan a modern nation and society.


