  • 期刊


An analysis of bilateral difference of dynamic balance of male and female high school Taekwondo athletes


本研究目的在探討跆拳道男女選手雙腳動態平衡能力不對稱的比例,並分析此一不對稱與垂直跳和敏捷度的關聯。研究對象為53名男子及28名女子高中跆拳道選手,除雙腳的動態平衡能力以Y字平衡測驗(Y Balance Test, YBT)評估外,也一併測量身體組成、垂直跳與六角敏捷等表現。YBT測驗是讓受測者分別以左腳或右腳支撐,測量對側腳往正前、後內與後外三個方向可延伸最長距離,再計算每方向雙腳距離差異的絕對值為不對稱性。數據以獨立樣本T檢定、卡方檢定以及皮爾森積差相關法進行分析,統計顯著水準定為0.05。結果顯示選手YBT不對稱的比例不低,三個方向差異絕對值超過4公分的比例介於32%~62%之間,而男女選手的比例的差異並不顯著。男女選手雙腳不對稱性與體脂率、垂直跳和六角敏捷表現的相關性不顯著。由於雙腳動態平衡不對稱可能增加下肢傷害發生率,高中男女選手動態平衡雙腳不對稱的程度值得注意。


This study aimed to examine the asymmetry of dynamic balance between legs of high school taekwondo athletes. Correlations between the asymmetry and jump and dexterity were also analyzed. 53 male and 28 female high school taekwondo athletes were recruited to join this study. Each was subjected to the measurements of body composition and a battery of fitness tests consisted of the Y-balance test (YBT), vertical jump, and hexagon agility test. The YBT was executed by asking the subject to stand unilaterally and use the free leg to reach as far as possible in anterior, posterior-medial, and posterior-lateral directions. The absolute difference of reach distances between legs was calculated as asymmetry level. The data were analyzed by T-test, chi-square, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The significant level was set at 0.05. The results showed that the percentage of athletes with bilateral difference > 4cm was from 32% to 62%, however, the ratio was not different between males and females. The asymmetry level was not correlated with percent body fat, vertical jump, and hexagon test. Because the leg asymmetry of dynamic balance may increase injury rate of the lower extremities, the considerably high ratio of athletes with bilateral difference > 4cm should be noticed.


martial art Y balance test leg asymmetry performance
