  • 期刊


The Relationship between Specialization and Behavioral Choices among Cyclists-The Moderating Effect of Place Attachment




As bicycles' functions are constantly enforced, high-quality services are being strengthened, and island-wide bike tracks are not only being discovered but also systematically constructed. A cycling craze has swept Taiwan in recent years, changing the habits of local people's recreation. Recreation specialization as ”a continuum of behavior from the general to the particular, reflected by equipment, and skills used in the sport and activity setting preferences”. Recreation specialization has proven useful in identifying types of users and affective feelings they have toward to particular activity or place. There is still a lacuna in the literature for a model integrating place attachment antecedents and consequences simultaneously. However, few or even no studies have a holistic view of recreation specialization, place attachment, and loyalty. The purpose of the present study is to examine the relationship between cyclist's recreation specialization, place attachment, and loyalty. Results from a survey of 391 cyclists revealed recreation specialization and place attachment were significantly correlated; the place attachment dimensions of ”place identity” most influenced cyclists' loyalty. Cyclists' loyalty was significantly predicated by both the recreation specialization and place attachment. Cyclists' recreation specialization had influence on their loyalty. Finally, place attachment partially mediates the relationship between the recreation specialization and loyalty.


大紀元,〈亞洲首座單車主題旅館落腳台灣墾丁〉,搜尋日期 2011 年 1 月 15 日,網站來源http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/9/2/27/n2445272.htm,2009。
交通部,〈觀光活水拚經濟 臺灣騎跡〉 ,搜尋日期 2011 年 1 月 15 日,網站來源http://udn.com/,2010。
