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From Postmodern to Explore the Disappearing Moral Education in the Elementary School: The Teacher Education Changes


後現代思潮影響,使個人價值觀趨向多元,社會失去核心價值,道德教育能不能教?適不適合教?受到質疑:九年一貫課程廢除道德與健康,改融入其他課程,也使道德教育低落。除此之外,還有受到哪些因素的影響呢? 本文從上述觀點並加入師資培育變遷角度探討,發現:後現代思潮影響個人價值判斷:九年一貫課程廢除道德與健康:師資培育多元後,教育主管機關與師資培育機構重視教師專業知識,卻忽略專業倫理:以上因素導致國小道德教育正在消失中。因此建議:師資培育機構應重視教育倫理課程、教育主管當局辦理教師檢定及甄試可加考教育倫理科目以及國小實施道德教育應結合家長及老師的力量以身作則。


Under the influence of postmodern thought, many individuals own a diverse sense of values, and society has lost its core values Therefore, moral education is being queried about its instruction and adaptability. Because the nine-year integrated curriculum omitted two subjects, such as morality and health, in order to integrate other subjects, moral education has been devaluating. The author explores the influential factors of devaluating moral education from the perspectives of postmodern thought and changes in teacher education. The findings of this study are as follows: Postmodern thought has an effect on the judgment of individual value. The nine-year integrated curriculum omitted two subjects, such as morality and health. After multiple teacher education approaches, educational authorities and teacher education institutions placed emphasis on teachers' professional knowledge, in stead of on their profess ional ethics. Based on the factors mentioned above, moral education in elementary schools is gradually disappearing. Therefore, the author suggests that teacher education institutions should stress the educational ethics program Educational authorities could add educational moral principles to the teachers' certificate examination, or teacher selection process. Finally, teachers could combine with parents' participation to teach moral education.


