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Using Action Feedback to Intervene in the Experienced Teacher's Group


經驗教師長時間在教育現場中工作,已發展出具有高度暗默性、脈絡性與個別性的個人專業實踐理論。為協助教師在團體學習中,建構持續自我監控與修正的機制,從而不斷修正個人的專業實踐理論,本研究以一個國小教師團體為研究對象,記錄與分析如何運用「行動回饋」,介入成員的學習及其自動化的反應,協助經驗教師在團體學習中,整理個人的認知與行動,進而促進成員不斷發展與修正個人的專業實踐理論。 本研究結果整理,透過往復循環的「行動回饋」介入,其歷程包括「中斷自動化反應」、「引發個體內在情緒與推論」、「創造轉化機會點」以及「提升覺察與促進討論」等步驟,可協助教師在團體學習中,持續發展與修正個人的專業實踐理論。


Experienced teachers have developed highly tacit, contextual and individual professional practice experiences of their own in the working place for a long time. In order to help experienced teachers construct the mechanism of self-monitoring and self-regulation, so that they can revise their individual professional practice experience unremittingly, this study utilizes a group of elementary school teachers as the object of investigation to record and analyze how to utilize action feedback to intervene in the members' learning process and automatic responses. It helps experienced teachers sort out individual cognition and action so as to impel members to develop and revise individual professional practice experience. Results of this study show that, through the intervention of repetitive action feedback, which includes interrupting a chain reaction, priming personal emotions and inference, creating a transformative point, and working through automatic reactions, we can help teachers to unremittingly develop and revise their individual professional practice experience in a learning group.


