  • 期刊


Micro-Spatial Analysis of Retail Agglomeration within Large-Scale Retail Properties-The Impact of Different Operation System to Retail Floorspace Allocation in Shopping Centres and Department Stores




The major objective for a large-scale multi-unit retail property, such as department store or shopping centre, is pursuing highest retail agglomeration economies. However, the mixture of tenants in a large-scale retail property is not simply putting tenants together because each retailer and service provider has its own characteristics and demands in operation. The type, size, number and placement of tenants are the four key elements of tenant mix. Previous research focused on solving the ”type” problem of tenant mix; nevertheless, the placement issue is far more complex because it is the location and allocation of space for each tenant.In last decade, the retail property market in Taiwan existed an unique phenomenon: regional shopping centres using the operation system of department stores and department stores expand to the size equivalent to regional shopping centres. The new transformations were definitely wishing to adapt the advantages from both department stores and shopping centres. However, the essences for a space provider (shopping centre) and a retailer (department store) were different in operational cost structure, human resources and leasing structures. Above all, the efficiency of the floorspace location and allocation of the property would be affected. With the help of Geography Information System (GIS), this paper analysed four different forms of large-scale retail properties in Taiwan, 1) standard full-line department store, 2) department store enlarge to the scale of regional shopping centre (over 1 million sq ft.), 3) standard regional shopping centre, and 4) regional shopping centre but use the operation system of department stores.This paper aims to reveal the impact from different operation system to retail floorspace in large-scale retail properties, the departmentalized retail categories in regional shopping centres. The results of decreasing returns in effective floorspace were also confirmed.


tenant mix tenant placement retail property GIS


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