  • 期刊


Development Trends in the Global Venture Capital Industry: What Should Taiwanese Venture Capitalists Do?




This article provides an overview of the development trends in the global venture capital industry, with particular reference to Taiwan. In addition to synthesizing key facts, data and evidence from multiple sources into a cohesive viewpoint, this article also employs a review methodology but focuses especially on findings from a recent set of empirical studies that offer insights and recommendations for practitioners, (from venture capitalists (VCs), to entrepreneurs, and to investors) law enforcement officers, and researchers. The author finds that VCs all over the world are taking the idea of global investing more seriously than ever before. Most of them view strategic alliances with established local players as a key method for geographic expansion. In addition, many governments have begun giving funds to help with the incubation of start-ups to establish vibrant venture capital ecosystems for global competition. Meanwhile, exciting new avenues for growth being explored include clean technology, nanotechnology, medical devices and healthcare services. To maintain a competitive edge in the global arena, it is critical for Taiwanese VCs to have access to abundant financial resources so that they can continue to fund emerging companies. As globalization is about breaking barriers to enable collaboration, the sharing of ideas, and the conduct of commerce between companies outside local markets, the Taiwanese VCs need to embrace diversity and acquire new knowledge and expertise in areas that involve multi-sectoral collaborations. An expansive vision of the world is important; however, as important are the socio-cultural institutions that encourage VCs to enhance foreign language skills and exhibit high levels of occupational and geographic mobility. While there are various venture capital exit mechanisms, the literature shows that the most attractive option is through an initial public offering. For this reason, a stock exchange should be transparent, liquid and capable of discharging its primary function of raising funds for promising companies. Because venture capital firms act as a catalyst for innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and economic growth, the Taiwanese government must develop policies aimed at removing various legal and regulatory obstacles and hindrances to the practice of venture capital. Also, the government needs to enact new measures to encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. In the end, those countries that can combine technology innovation with entrepreneurship will become formidable competitors in the "New Economy" era.


