  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Development Strategy of the Venture Capital Firm in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


眾所週知美國矽谷的創投引導高科技新創企業發展的模式,成功推動矽谷成為全球創業活動最活躍的地區,也成就了美國高科技產業的全球領導地位,顯而易見,創投與產業的發展是相輔相成,互為促進的。 在台灣,創投產業曾於90年代經歷了高速增長的榮景,同時支持了台灣的高科技產業蓬勃發展、至今台灣在全球科技業仍擁有一定程度的影響力。 然而在2000年網路產業泡沫化及金融海嘯後,台灣創投產業持續低迷不振,規模日益縮減,間接的影響了台灣的產業革新速度,並造成國家競爭力持續下滑。 本研究藉由了解全球創投產業的現況與趨勢、探討台灣的創投產業的當前瓶頸,再結合個案分析,提出對創投產業發展方向的結論,包括國際化、在地經營、策略結盟、差異化、併購等方向。 衷心冀望經由本研究的探討,能有助於台灣創投產業定義正確的發展策略,並帶動台灣產業競爭力提昇。


創業投資 金融海嘯


The venture capital industry in Silicon Valley have led the growth of high technology business globally. They have made Silicon Valley the most prosperous area of new ventures, and contributed to the leadership of US in high technology industries. Apparently capital ventures and high technology industries have been mutually beneficial and reinforcing. In Taiwan, venture capital industry have encountered the boom of high speed growth in 90s, and supported the development of high technology industries of Taiwan. However, after the internet bubble and financial tsunami, venture capital industry in Taiwan have been slumped and downsized gradually, which have decreased the innovation and national competitiveness of Taiwan. This purpose of this thesis is to analyze the situation and trends of global venture capital industry, and the bottleneck of Taiwan venture capital with the case study, and to raise the recommendation of venture capital industries, including globalization, localization, strategic alliances, and differentiation. These will contribute to the development strategies of Taiwan capital ventures.


Venture Capital Financial Tsunami


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