  • 期刊


Exploring the Adoption Behavior and Determinants on Multi-Channel Retailing


隨著電子商務經營環境的日趨激烈與行動裝置使用的日漸普及,企業開始思考新一代的數位行銷策略,也就是試圖發展出一套成功整合虛實通路的營銷模式稱之為”Online to Offline(O2O),意指透過網際網路或行動裝置成功帶動消費者至實體商店消費。儘管O2O營銷模式開始迅速的推展起來,但過去關注於O2O的行銷議題與消費行為的研究仍為數甚少。因此,本研究旨在探究消費者如何採用O2O營銷模式,並試圖發展出一個用以衡量採用O2O影響因素與採用行為間關聯性的分析模式。本研究使用網路收集問卷,正式問卷有效樣本為1,267份,經由因素分析萃取十一個構面,搜尋因素五個構面(資訊可得性、搜尋方便性、搜尋享樂性、媒體豐富度、產品可觸碰性)購買因素六個構面(銷售服務品質、多樣性、購買方便性、線上購物風險、價格與促銷資訊與立即可得產品)。正式問卷的樣本分析以多項式選擇模式進行分析,並驗證各通路之間的採用因素;並進一步討論不同的產品型態與通路交叉模式的採用行為;最後,根據本研究所發展出之衡量模式與實證研究結果,期望能對後續通路整合研究與行銷應用作出具體貢獻。


Due to the competitiveness of e-commerce environment and emerging mobile device usage, companies begin to find a new strategy for their e-marketing, that is, online-to-offline (O2O) marketing, to integrate both channels more efficiently. However, there are still very few studies focusing on O2O marketing issues. The purpose of this study will try to develop an analytic model to explore how customers adopt O2O commerce models. This study collect 1,267 valid Taiwan internet user's sample used a web survey from customers from Insightxplorer's CyberPanel who intend to adopt multi-channel retailing. We through factor analysis be conducted to confirm the induced factors from literature review and multinomial logit model analysis be also conducted to analyze the relationships among search factor(information availability, search convenience, enjoyment, media richness and tangible) and purchase factor(service quality, price and promotion, purchase convenience, risk perception, Immediately and product quantity) and adopting multi-channel behaviors, Finally, based on the finding, in-depth discussions and conclusions will be provided to further researches and practices.
