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A study on the influence of experiential marketing on repurchase intention of O2O operation model-with consumer decision-making as mediating




O2O (Online-to-Offline) is a marketing model that brings people to physical retail stores through online marketing activities. Affected by the epidemic, people are turning to online consumption more and relying on online platforms to obtain information. As a result, many large-scale online e-commerce companies have gradually shifted their operations from a single physical retail store to an O2O marketing model to expand their customer base. In this study, the consumer behavior of reference groups, experiential marketing, recommendation characteristics, brand image, and the use of O2O model for new product/creative product display are used as independent variables, and then repurchase intention is used as a dependent variable, and the consumer decision-making process is used as an intermediary variable. Whether the intermediary effect of the process is significant, and provide its operational reference in O2O operation. The research results show that the reference groups and recommendation characteristics in consumer behavior have a positive impact on repurchase intention, and the consumer decision-making process has a partial mediating effect on the use of O2O model and repurchase intention in consumer behavior.


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