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A Research on the Nurses' Participation in Leisure & Sports in Taipei Area




This research aimed to discuss the variances and related issues of the nurses' participation in leisure & sports in Taipei area. There were totally 240 participants from the hospitals and clinics in Taipei area joiner this research. The tool of this research was the questionnaire of ”The worker's participation and expectation in leisure & sports.” All the data collected was tested by the statistical methods of frequency, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe post-hoc method. The results were as follows: 1. The demographics of these participants joining in leisure and sports were as follows: (1) The participants with the age under 30 and unmarried were most in amount. (2) The activities with the most participants were indoor ball games. (3) Most of the participants lives the hospital dorms or outside of the forms with their families. (4) There were no differences between the items of working hours and the salaries of these Subjects. 2. There were differences between the participants' education levels, such as: (1) For the activities of the indoor ball games, it approached the level of significance differences between the education level of above the university and college. (2) For the activities of outdoor acrobatic sports and body-built sports, it approached the level of significance differences between the education level of senior high school and college. 3. There were also differences between the personal characteristics of these participants with the need of leisure and sports (1) For the ages of these participants, it approached the level of significance differences between the age under and above 30 years old. (2) For the educational level of these participants, level of college was more than senior high school and university. It approached the level of significance differences between the education level of senior high school and college. (3) There were no differences between the participants' sense of gratification. 4. The main purpose of the nurses' participation in leisure & sports was the relaxation of body and mind while the most leisure barrier was no free time, and the most needed help of their participating in leisure and sports was the providing of place and equipment (9 1.3%). As an advice of this research, the authorities of the hospitals should provide more places for leisure and sports for the nurses to use during their free time for the purpose of releasing the stress from work.




