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Teaching Quality Management of Physical Education by Using Kano Model


本研究目的主要在探討大學生對體育教學品質的看法,研究對象為國立雲林科技大學的學生(N=392)。本研究以體育教學品質問卷作為研究工具,採用二維品質模式歸類學生對於體育教學品質的屬性。研究結果發現在二十六項品質要素中,十一項歸類為一元品質,八項為魅力品質,二項為當然品質,四項因為一元與魅力的百分比相近,因此兩者品質皆備,一項因一元、魅力、當然與無差異等四個品質的百分比皆相近,所以並列。本研究發現大學教學服務品質並非都是屬於一維模式。經歸類後,本研究再運用顧客滿意係數(customer satisfaction coefficient, CS)的品質改善指標公式,計算增加滿意指標與消除不滿意指標。其中,滿意指標較高者為「老師具親和力與老師相處非常輕鬆自在」、「老師會營造快樂的學習氣氛」、「老師會以溫和的態度與學生溝通」;不滿意指標較高者的是「體育課上課場地環境」、「體育課上課場地空間」、「體育課上課設備數量」。本研究的結果對於體育教學品質應用等相關議題在結論與建議中討論。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the college students' perspectives regarding the teaching quality of physical education. 500 questionnaires were handed out, and 440 were filled and returned, and 392 were valid. Twenty-six positive and twenty-six negative questions emerged from the Kano Model was included in the teaching quality of physical education questionnaire to classify quality elements. Results indicated that eleven questions were attributed to the one-dimensional quality element, eight questions were defined to the attractive quality element, two questions were classified to the must-be quality element, four questions were mixed of both the one-dimensional quality and the attractive quality element; last but not least, one question was qualified for four quality elements (the one-dimensional quality, the must-be quality, the attractive quality, and the indifference quality) due to the close range of percentage from 22% to 27%. Therefore, the study revealed that not all the teaching qualities were fulfilled only with one dimensional quality element. After classifying the quality elements, customer satisfaction coefficient model were utilized to calculate the satisfaction increment index (SII) and dissatisfaction decrement index (DDI) in order to improve the teaching quality of physical education. Results of the customer satisfaction coefficient were presented as following. The top three rank of the SII were, ”teachers who are kind and easy going”, ”teachers who build happy learning atmosphere”, and ”teachers who have friendly attitude to communicate with students”; while the top three DDI were, ”teaching environment of physical education”, ”teaching space of physical education”, and ”quantities of teaching equipment of physical education”. Applications of the findings for teaching quality of physical education were discussed in the conclusion and suggestions.


