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  • OpenAccess


A Case Study on the Multiple Financing Sources in the Sports Services Industry: A Value Chain Perspective




Sports services has been a booming industry since the twentieth century. However, most sports services providers in Taiwan are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the development of the sports services industry in Taiwan relies heavily on financial aid from the government. Sports services enterprises have difficulty in obtaining investments and financing because of poor financial planning and management as well as limited small business turnover and capital. Consequently, multiple financing sources from the government play a crucial role in the development of the sports services industry. The main purpose of this study was to explore how financial aid from the government influences the development of sports services enterprises in Taiwan. The Porter’s Value Chain analysis was employed to identify specifications for each sports service enterprise, and SWOT and TOWS matrix analyses were used to explore the competitive situation for SMEs in the market. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) Financial aid for sports services enterprises from the government has a positive impact on the output of sports services value chains. (2) Through financial aid for sports services enterprises from the government, sports knowledge and human resources could be effective in promoting the development of the sports services industry. (3) The government should design a mechanism for promoting the development and value of the sports services industry.


