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Sport Industry Internship Program in Taiwan from the Perspective of Sports Business




Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the internship program situation, human resource management strategies, and encountered difficulties and accompanying suggestions in sports industry from the perspective of sports businesses. Methods: A qualitative case study was performed. Data were collected from surveys, interviews, and relevant documents. Research participants were staff members responsible for the internship program in 10 sports industry categories. Results: Situation: Most sports businesses began an internship program 5 years ago. The primary purposes of the programs are to recruit employees and provide practical learning experience. Human resource management strategies: The work completed during an internship is primarily entry level, labor intensive, and repetitive. General competency, especially positive internship attitude and internship intention, is more crucial than professional competency in the opinion of most sports businesses. Most of the businesses provide allowances, which can vary greatly, and benefits instead of salaries. Reward strategies also motivate interns to have high performance. However, the percentage of interns that become full-time employees is lower than 10%, primarily because the interns had not yet graduated or did not like the company culture or work. Difficulties and suggestions: Although the sports businesses did not encounter any major difficulties in implementing their internship programs, they suggest that internship courses should be taught by professional teachers and arranged in the senior year of university. Before beginning an internship, the teacher should help students establish positive internship intentions and instruct them on the interning environment and work. Moreover, during the internship, teachers should be involved with students. Conclusion: From the perspective of the sports business, current internship programs designed for students do not satisfy the demands of sports businesses wishing to recruit talented employees. The findings of this study can serve as a reference when establishing internship programs that meet the demands of schools, students, and sports business.


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