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Introduction of certificating standards and system of American Canoe Association


臺灣近海水文豐富,風流與浪潮多變,近年來海洋休閒運動從事人口蓬勃發展,惟一般民眾海洋運動專業技能缺乏,且因海洋運動教練專業証照與專業職能相對不足的背景下,對於推展我國海洋運動而言,擁有獲得國際專業認証高品質的証照及專業職能有其必要性。本文針對國際頂尖海洋獨木舟專業教練證照中,最具代表性的美國獨木舟協會(American Canoe Association, ACA)的專業獨木舟教練,以及單日領隊認証進行介紹:ACA之認証標準擁有嚴謹、公正、客觀、專業、公開與一致等特性,專業教練人員分成教練、教練訓練官、教練訓練官簽証官三種;認證範圍共分成印地安舟/輕艇、獨木舟、泛舟、激流救援、立槳、衝浪舟與趴板等七大類,技術分級分成1~5級,共47種不同等級的教練認証課程及60種以上的技能課程;認証時採教學、認證考試分離制,必須全部通過與完成明確的指標,方能通過認證。最後,針對我國海洋運動推廣現場相符海況,以ACA Level 2之海洋舟單日領隊認証內容,進行詳盡介紹,做為我國未來培育海洋獨木舟領隊課程規劃或認証時之重要參考,並提出符合ACA Level 3~4之海洋舟單日領隊認証之專業職能,且符合我國多變海況需求之建議。


More and more people participating marine sports and activities in Taiwan in recent years, by lacking the professional marine sports skills and licenses and competency, it's necessary to emphasize a high quality international marine sports license certification and professional competency while promoting marine sports and leisure. Top professional ACA licenses and certificating system and process, which representing sustainable development in principle of discreetness, fairness, objectivity, professional, openness and consistency, were analyzed in detail, especially coastal kayaking day trip leader certificating requierments. ACA certificated Instructor, Instructor Trainer and Instructor Trainer Educator, including Canoe, Kayak, Raft, Safe and Rescue, Stand Up Paddlingboard, Surfski and Prone, from Skill Level 1 to 5, and offered over 47 Instructor certificating courses and over 60 skills courses. Instructor/IT/ITE candidates must finish all the requirements and successful completion of an IDW and ICE or ICW to become certified. According to the dynamic ocean environment in Taiwan, Level 2 Coastal Kayaking Day Trip Leader certificating requirements was analyzed in details, and Level 3 ~ 4 Coastal Kayaking Day Trip Leader certification were recommended to those want to submit kayaking day trip leader skills and training course or certificating workshop in future in Taiwan.
