  • 期刊


A Study on the GFRP Vegetation Window Frame


本文係利用玻璃纖維強化高分子複合材料(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic, GFRP)具備質量輕、強度高、耐腐蝕、耐候性佳以及施工容易等特性,應用GFRP 構件設計並施作「GFRP植生窗框」,以取代傳統植生立面結構體所使用之各種金屬材料。本文為瞭解GFRP複合材料之力學性質,以確保GFRP構件所打造之「GFRP植生窗框」能提供足夠之荷重承載能力,係進行GFRP構件三點抗彎實驗;並藉由原料、運輸至組裝階段之生命週期範圍,針對目前門窗工程廣泛使用之傳統金屬材料-不鏽鋼(SUS304)以及鋁合金(6063-T5),模擬與「GFRP植生窗框」相同尺寸之設計,以探討各材料之碳足跡減量效益與生命週期成本分析。利用本文之實驗結果,將GFRP複合材料應用於植生壁面綠化系統做為支撐結構材,對發展植生壁面綠化技術有所助益。


In this paper, the application of light weight, high strength, anti-corrosion, excellent durability and heat insulation glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite members to "GFRP vegetation window frame" is presented. The three-point bending test was used to obtain the mechanical behaviors of the GFRP composite members. From the test results, the GFRP vegetation window frame for vines was designed using the GFRP components. Finally, in order to investigate the carbon footprint and carbon reduction benefits of the GFRP vegetation window frame, carbon footprint comparison was made with that of a similar stainless steel (SUS304) frame and aluminum (6063-T5) before discussing the overall carbon footprint reduction benefits of the GFRP vegetation window frame. This study focuses on the GFRP materials in making "Green Vegetation Units" in order to overcome the disadvantages of existing Green facades by using steel and aluminum materials, and expected GFRP composite material to be useful on urban buildings.
