  • 期刊


Study on Adhesion Properties of Polished Quartz Tile Floor-Take the soft bottom dry construction method as the summer environment


本研究主要探討模擬高溫環境下以軟底乾式施工的拋光石英地磚拉拔強度,應用田口實驗計劃法,配置A因子黏著層的摻劑分別為海菜粉、樹脂1及乳膠三種水準;並以B因子乾拌水泥溼砂厚度分別為3公分、4公分及5公分三種水準;而C因子乾拌水泥溼砂層中的結合水加入摻劑分別為樹脂1、乳膠及清水三種水準及D因子拋光石英地磚背溝塗材料分別為樹脂1、乳膠及樹脂2三種水準作為製程輸入因子,研究上述四種控制因子,尋求拋光石英地磚在模擬高溫環境下最佳拉拔強度的實驗因子組合,作為對拋光石英地磚在模擬高溫環境下黏著性能影響之探討;首先在常溫環境下以一般施工條件於實驗室製作5公分乘5公分試體,其中拋光石英地磚的先行清洗後,再塗滿黏著材料於背溝面上,並依配比於黏著層及乾拌水泥溼砂層中的結合水分別加入海菜粉、樹脂1及乳膠等摻劑,而乾拌水泥溼砂厚度參考工地常用厚度分別為3公分、4公分及5公分,經養護28天齡期後,再置入模擬高溫溫度60℃的環境的烘箱內連續240小時後,再取出試體置放於常溫環境下恢復到常溫後,將試體以瓷磚電子式拉拔試驗機進行拉拔試驗;實驗結果說明如下:影響拋光石英地磚之最佳拉拔強度的的實驗因子組合,分別為重要因子A1黏著層的摻劑別為海菜粉、次要因子B1乾拌水泥溼砂厚度為3公分、次要因子C1乾拌水泥溼砂層的摻劑為樹脂1及重要因子D1拋光石英地磚背塗材料為樹脂1,此最佳實驗因子組合與實驗編號1樣,因此不必進行確認驗證實驗,拋光石英地磚之最佳拉拔強度為8.29 kgf/cm^2,其對應之拉拔強度信號雜音比(S/N比)比值為18.28 dB。


In order to improve the adhesion performance of polished quartz bricks, the following four factors are proposed to strengthen the performance of adhesive materials. Three kinds of additives are added to the adhesive layer, three thicknesses of dry mixed cement wet sand are improved, and the dry mixed cement wet sand layer is added. Three kinds of doping and three kinds of back-ditch coatings for strengthening and polishing quartz bricks and floor tiles adopt soft-drying dry application method, assisted experimental planning design with Taguchi quality engineering experimental plan method, and made experimental samples in laboratory, and polished quartz floor tiles. The good drawing strength is used as a reference for improving the adhesion performance, and it is helpful. The experimental samples prepared at room temperature are placed in the summer environment simulated by the rapid experimental method, and hot environments are sought for polishing. The influence of the adhesion performance of quartz floor tiles was studied to find the important factors affecting the adhesion performance of polished quartz floor tiles in hot environments and the best combination of experimental factors; the experimental results of the combination of the best experimental factors in hot environments showed : the experimental specimen prepared at room temperature is placed in the summer environment simulated by the rapid experimental method, the tile drawing strength is reduced by 9.04 kgf/cm2 from 0.75 kgf/cm2 to 8.29 kgf/cm2.
